***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** * Mod NAME: Welcome Newest Member (redoc'd for v5.46) * ***************************************************************************************** * DESCRIPTION: This mod welcomes your latest member to your board in Ultimate.cgi. * ***************************************************************************************** * CREATED BY: Slurpee webmaster@vhlinks.com * * DATE: ? * * VERSION: 1 * ***************************************************************************************** * MODIFIED BY: BenB * * MODIFY DATE: 09/02/2000 * * VERSION: 5.46 * * * ***************************************************************************************** * REQUIREMENTS: full version * * COMPATABILITY: 5.46 * ***************************************************************************************** * FILES ADDED: none * * FILES MODIFIED: Ultimate.cgi * ***************************************************************************************** * DISCLAIMER: By using this hack, the user implicitly agrees that they * * are willingly modifying any and all files at their own * * risk. Should any errors occur either as a direct or * * indirect result of said modifications the user agrees not * * to hold Infopop Corporation or any of the individuals * * listed above accountable. * * * * * * IN OTHER WORDS: PLEASE MAKE BACKUP COPIES OF EVERY FILE YOU PLAN TO * * MODIFY PRIOR TO MODIFICATION!! * * * * * * FOR MORE TIPS AND TRICKS FOR USE WITH THE ULTIMATE BULLETIN BOARD * * PLEASE VISIT US AT: * * * * http://www.ubbdev.com * * * ***************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************** ############################# Ultimate.cgi ############################# ## FIND: ## check other display options-- if ($DisplayMemberTotal eq "true") { open (MEMTOTAL, "$MembersPath/membertotal.cgi"); $TotalMembers = ; ## PASTE THIS UNDER: ## Welcome Newest Member... &GetMemberListArray; @lastmember = reverse(@members); $LastReg = $lastmember[0]; $LastRegCoded = $LastReg; chomp($LastReg); $LastRegCoded =~ tr/ /+/; chomp($LastRegCoded); ## End ## FIND: $MemberLine = "Registered Members: $TotalMembers"; } ## ADD THIS:
Greetings to our newest registered member, $LastReg ## SO THAT LINE LOOKS LIKE THIS: $MemberLine = "Registered Members: $TotalMembers
Greetings to our newest registered member, $LastReg"; } ## DONE! RE-UPLOAD IN ASCII, AND YOU'RE ALL SET.