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Joined: Sep 2001
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Joined: Sep 2001
Posts: 194
Hello some users are asking that I change their usernames. However to do that they want to keep the other stuff same that is number of posts, rank etc.

One way I thought was to just change the name in the *.cgi file in the /Members directory.

Any suggestions? Any problems doing it this way? Updating of threads going to cause problems? Thx in advv!

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There is a name change hack you can install. I think it's in the database but I'm not sure.

Joined: Aug 2000
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Joined: Aug 2000
Posts: 569
Here it is, chomod it 755 and link it thats it.


# Script Title: Change Username v1.1
# Written By: Andy Tomaka{atom911} [email protected]
# Last Modifies: June 16, 2000

# Set the variables the script needs #
# The $trackfile variable is used to decide whether to write the
# new username and the old username to a file for admins to view
# Set the bariable to yes or no(CaSE sEnSTivE)
$trackfile = "yes";
# The $DaysLimit variable it used to disallow a user to change their
# name if they have changed their name with in X days where X is the
# numerical value of $DaysLimit. Set it to 0 if you don't want a
# limit, or 1, 2, etc for that amount of days
$DaysLimit = "7";

# Do not change anything below this line unless you know what you #
# know what you are doing #
# Parse the URL
@RQSPairs = split /&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
foreach $RQSPair (@RQSPairs) {
my ($RQSName, $RQSValue) = split /=/, $RQSPair;
$RQSValue =~ s/+/ /g;
$RQSValue =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex(1))/eg;
$QueryString{$RQSName} = $RQSValue;
# Parse the form
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/n/ /g; # replace newlines with spaces
$FORM{$name} = $value;

# Allows the script to work with HTML
print ("content-type:text/htmlnn");

# Substitute all require files here for the file
require "UltBB.setup";
require "Styles.file";
require "";
require "";
require "";

$today_julian_date = &today();
$JulianDateToday = $today_julian_date;

# Put $BGColor in the correct HTML format
$BGColor = qq~bgcolor="$BGColor"~;
# Put $PageBackground in the correct HTML format
$PageBackground = qq~background="$PageBackground"~;

# Decide what to do
if ($FORM{'action'} eq "usernamelogincheck") {
} elsif ($FORM{'action'} eq "usernameformhtml") {
} elsif ($FORM{'action'} eq "usernamechange") {
} elsif ($QueryString{'action'} eq "ViewChanges") {
} else {

# The subroutine that handles logging in
sub usernamelogin {
print qq~

$BBName - Change UserName


Change UserName

You can now modify your username! To modify your username, please login to the script that allows you to change your username.



Forget your password?

If you have previously registered, but forgotten your password, click here.



# The Subroutine that checks the ID
sub usernamelogincheck {
# Set the Username and password from the form to $UserName and $Password
$UserName = $FORM{'UserName'};
$Password = $FORM{'Password'};
# See if emailfile.cgi exists
unless (-e "$MembersPath/emailfile.cgi") {
# If it doesn't exist, say we are upgrading
&UserNameHTML("We are upgrading our software at the moment and cannot process new registrations. Please try registering again in a little while. Thank you!");
# See if the temp file exists in members directory
if (-e "$MembersPath/temp.file") {
# If it does, then say we are upgrading
&UserNameHTML("We are temporarily upgrading our Memberships. This process only takes a minute or two. Please try registering again in a couple of minutes. Thank you!");
# See if temp file exists in the cgi directory
if (-e "$CGIPath/temp.file") {
# If it does, say we are upgrading
&UserNameHTML("We are temporarily upgrading our Memberships. This process only takes a minute or two. Please try registering again in a couple of minutes. Thank you!");
# Make sure Username and password fields were not blank
if (($UserName eq "")||($Password eq "")) {
# If they weren't say fields were not complete.
&UserNameHTML("You did not complete all required form fields! Please go back and re-enter.");
} else {
$NameFound = "no";
# Open Profile
$ProfileNumber = &GetUserNumber($UserName);
if ($ProfileNumber ne "") {
$NameFound = "yes";
} else {
$NameFound = "no";

if ($NameFound eq "yes") {
#Check Password Now

@profile = &OpenProfile("$ProfileNumber.cgi");
if ($Password eq "$profile[1]") {
$pwmatch = "true";

if ($NameFound ne "yes") {
&UserNameHTML("We have no one registered with that user name. Use your back button to try again.");
if (($NameFound eq "yes") && ($pwmatch ne "true")) {
&UserNameHTML("Sorry, but the password you entered was not correct. Please try again. Use your Back button.");
} # end check for missing fields

# The subroutine that prints the form
sub usernameformhtml {
# Print the form HTML
print qq~

Change Your UserName


Change UserName

Input your new username. This new username must follow all rules defined for usernameswhen you registered.

Current UserName


New UserName



# Subroutine that handles the changes
sub usernamechange {
$OldUserName = $FORM{'oldusername'};
$NewUserName = $FORM{'newusername'};
if ($LegalUsername eq "False") {
&UserNameHTML("Your new username, $NewUserName, was either a duplicate, left blank, or contained illegal charactors. Please use your back button and submit a new name that corrects these problems.");
} else {
# Get the profile number
$ProfileNumber = &GetUserNumber($OldUserName);
# Open the profile in read mode
open (PROFILEREAD, "$MembersPath/$ProfileNumber.cgi");
# Write the contents of the profile to the variable @profile
@profile = ;
# Closes profile

# Set the new username to $profile[0]
$profile[0] = $NewUserName;

# Open the profile in write mode
open (PROFILEWRITE, ">$MembersPath/$ProfileNumber.cgi");
# Print the new user name to the profile
print PROFILEWRITE "$profile[0]n";
# Make every variable in profile $line
foreach $line(@profile[1..15]) {
# Print the $line
print PROFILEWRITE "$line";
# Close the profile
# Run the subroutine that pringts to the memberslist.cgi file
# Check to see if $trackfile is equal to yes
if ($trackfile eq "yes") {
# Run the subroutine that creates the track file if $trackfile is equal to yes
# Print ending HTML
print qq~

$BBName - Change UserName Successful


Change UserName Successful

Your username has been changed successfully and is now $NewUserName. Please use this new name when posting notes.

If you made a typo while inputing your username, or would like to change it again, click here.



# Subroutine that checks to see if the username is a duplicate
# or if it is an illegal name
sub usernamelegal {

$LegalUsername = "True";

# Begin duplicate check
# Parse username to UBB's liking
$NewUserName =~ s/s+/ /g;
# Get the Member List Array
# Store something as $LCusername
$LCusername = lc($NewUserName);
# Check @members for duplicates
CHECKDUPLICATELEGAL: for $checkthis(@members) {
$LCcheckthis = lc($checkthis);
if ($LCcheckthis eq "$LCusername") {
$LegalUsername = ("False");

if ($Censor eq "ON") {
@censored = split(/ /, $censorwords);
CHECKCENSORLEGAL: for (@censored) {
if (m/({)(.*)(})/) {
$_ = ("$2");
if ($NewUserName =~ /$_/i) {
$LegalUsername = "False";
$CensorWord = $_;

if (($NewUserName eq "")||($NewUserName =~ m/^s/)||($NewUserName =~ m/ /)||($NewUserName =~ m/s$/)||($NewUserName =~ m/s{2,}/)||($NewUserName =~ m/|!/)||($NewUserName =~ m/||/)||($NewUserName =~ m/|$/)||($NewUserName =~ m/^|/)||($NewUserName =~ m/> $LegalUsername = "False";

# Subroutine that writes the new username to the
# memberslist.cgi file
sub usernamememberslist {

open (LISTREAD, "$MembersPath/memberslist.cgi");
while(chomp($this= ) {
($un,$pn) = split(/|!!|/, $this);
if($un eq $OldUserName) {
push (@newcontents, qq($NewUserName|!!|$pnn));
} else {
push (@newcontents, qq($un|!!|$pnn));
open (LISTWRITE, ">$MembersPath/memberslist.cgi");
print LISTWRITE @newcontents;
chmod (0666, "$MembersPath/memberslist.cgi");


# Subroutine that writes to the username tracking file
sub usernametrackfile {
unless (-e "$CGIPath/changes.track") {
open (TRACKWRITE, ">$CGIPath/changes.track");
print TRACKWRITE qq($OldUserName||$NewUserName||$JulianDateTodayn);
chmod (0666, "$CGIPath/changes.track");
} else {
open (TRACKREAD, "$CGIPath/changes.track");
@newcontents = ;
push (@newcontents, qq($OldUserName||$NewUserName||$JulianDateTodayn));
close (TRACKREAD);
open (TRACKWRITE, ">$CGIPath/changes.track");
print TRACKWRITE @newcontents;
chmod (0666, "$CGIPath/changes.track");

# Subroutine that views the username tracking file
sub usernameviewtrack {
unless (-e "$CGIPath/changes.track") {
&UserNameHTML("No one has changed their username.");
} else {
print qq~

Username Changes Tracking

Username Changes Tracking



open (TRACKREAD, "$CGIPath/changes.track");
@Tracking = ;
close (TRACKREAD);
foreach $line(@Tracking) {
@TrackVars = split(/||/, $line);
($month,$day,$year,$weekday) = &jdate($TrackVars[2]);
print qq~
print qq~
Old UserNameNew UserNameDate Changed




# Subroutine that checks if the user has waited the set amount
# of days since the last change.
sub usernamedatelegal {
@TooSoon = ;

foreach $line(@TooSoon) {
($CheckOldUserName, $CheckUserName, $CheckLastDate) = split(/||/, $line);
if ($OldUserName eq $CheckUserName) {
$JulianDateToday = &today();
$DaysWaited = $JulianDateToday - $CheckLastDate;
if ($DaysWaited < $DaysLimit) {
$DaysMore = $DaysLimit - $DaysWaited;
&UserNameHTML("You most wait at least $DaysLimit between name changes. Currently, you have only waited $DaysWaited days and must wait $DaysMore more days before changing your name again.");

# Subroutine that handles the standard HTML.
sub UserNameHTML {
my $Text = shift;
print qq~

$BBName - Change UserName





# Subroutine that loads when a subroutine cannot be found
&UserNameHTML("Subroutine $AUTOLOAD not found. Please contact the administrator of this bulliten board.");

Joined: Sep 2001
Posts: 194
Joined: Sep 2001
Posts: 194
Hmm this lets the user change his/her name. That'll create headaches as it is untested (??). Is there any way I can do each change myself? thx again!

Joined: Aug 2000
Posts: 569
Joined: Aug 2000
Posts: 569
dude, its tested..
Works great, I have it on my boards.

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Joined: May 2001
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Joined: May 2001
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Metallifukinca put it in a .txt file or something like that the scroll is long!

Link Copied to Clipboard
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