Put back all original files that was hacked, deleted the file vars_wordlets_mods.cgi as this was not in the dir in the first place then I run ultimatebb_mod_wordlets_install.cgi and it made the file see below for contents...
I rehacked all the files guess what... back to square one.
NO TEXT/graphic on this page after clicking Top Topic (See below image of page.)
No "
Sticky" word in topics list either.
The GIF files for top topic shows on the topic page but can not find it on the Update style templates page, these 2 files are seams to point to http://www.hillcrestknitwear.com/*****/
{NonCGIURL}/top_topic.gif, where as the other gifs point to http://www.hillcrestknitwear.com/*****/ubb-*****/*.gif
Below is the contents of the vars_wordlets_mods.cgi file which is in the same dir as vars_wordlets_date.cgi and others.
%vars_wordlet_mods = (
sticky_threads_bumped => "Topic Bumped",
sticky_threads_title => "Sticky",
sticky_threads_detop => "Your topic has been de-topped.",
sticky_threads_top => "Your topic has been topped.",
sticky_threads_top_thread => "Top Topic",
sticky_threads_detop_thread => "De-Top Topic",
sticky_threads_top_perm => "Permanetly (until de-topped) top topic.",
sticky_threads_top_temp => "Temporarily (until next post) top topic.",
sticky_threads_explained => "You may either top the topic Permanently, in
which case it will be marked as a topped thread and remain at the top of the
forum listing until it is de-topped. Or you may top it Temporarily, in which
case it will act as if someone just replied to it and be bumped to the top of
the forum listing only until the next post is made (note: the date on the
thread will not change).",
q!mod_wordlets! => q!Modification Wordlets!,
q!HASH(0x85d9570)! => undef,
The - q! - is missing from the sticky lines ?
Do I have to put them in manualy?
Must be something to do with vars_wordlets_mods.cgi
Hope this helps as I am totaly