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#251879 06/21/2003 11:17 AM
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I'm looking at switching over to 4.X mysql, reading the info on for upgrading from 3.x to 4.x it's talking about converting the isam tables over to myisamtables?

Can anyone shed some light on what's needed in respect to a threads database?

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Not much really, but you really should change the databases to myisam now, as isam support is deprecated and will be removed in the future. The conversion is quite simple, just run the command: mysql_convert_table_format <database>. Make sure noone else is using the database at the same time.

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I've pretty much just got done stumbling though upgrading my testbed to 4.0.13, Musta done something right as it's up!

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And if you are running on a Windows host without Perl installed to run this script - which should be residing in the mysql/scripts folder you will have to run the ALTER TABLE commands one by one on the tables that are not MyISAM.

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It might also be easier to just dump the data, drop the database and create a new one in myisam format and restore all data into it. At least if there are a lot of tables, then you won't have to write as much. =]

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Don't forget that there is also an upgrade script you'll need to run when you go from 3.x to 4.x that adds all the new permissions. I cannot rememmber the name of the script off hand, but it's noted in the docs.

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it is mysql_fix_privilege_tables and it is located under the mysql/scripts foder. However if you are running your board on a Windows host you will need to run it with

Perl.exe <path-to-mysql>/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables

If however you don't have perl installed, open the file in wordpad and also open a DOS window. Connect to mysql using the mysql command and your username/password selecting mysql as the database. Following that run the mysql commands outlined in the script. Hence you need to run the following script (substitute the values outlined in <> with your own data)
<br /><path-to-mysql>/bin/mysql.exe -f --user=<username> --password="<password>"  --host="<host>" mysql<br />ALTER TABLE user type=MyISAM;<br />ALTER TABLE db type=MyISAM;<br />ALTER TABLE host type=MyISAM;<br />ALTER TABLE func type=MyISAM;<br />ALTER TABLE columns_priv type=MyISAM;<br />ALTER TABLE tables_priv type=MyISAM;<br /><br />alter table user change password password char(16) NOT NULL;<br />alter table user add File_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL;<br /><br />CREATE TABLE if not exists func (<br />  name char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  ret tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,<br />  dl char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  type enum ('function','aggregate') NOT NULL,<br />  PRIMARY KEY (name)<br />);<br /><br />alter table user add Grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add References_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL;<br />alter table host add Grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add References_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL;<br />alter table db add Grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add References_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL;<br /><br /># The statements below might generate errors - ignore them<br />UPDATE user SET Grant_priv=File_priv,References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv;<br />UPDATE db SET References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv;<br />UPDATE host SET References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv;<br /><br />ALTER TABLE user<br />ADD ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') NOT NULL,<br />ADD ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL,<br />ADD x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL,<br />ADD x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL;<br />ALTER TABLE user MODIFY ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') NOT NULL;<br /><br />CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tables_priv (<br />  Host char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Db char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  User char(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Table_name char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Grantor char(77) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Timestamp timestamp(14),<br />  Table_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete','Create','Drop','Grant','References','Index','Alter') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name)<br />);<br />CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS columns_priv (<br />  Host char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Db char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  User char(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Table_name char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Column_name char(59) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  Timestamp timestamp(14),<br />  Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,<br />  PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name,Column_name)<br />);<br /><br /><br />ALTER TABLE columns_priv change Type Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;<br /><br />alter table func add type enum ('function','aggregate') NOT NULL;<br /><br />alter table user<br />add Show_db_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER alter_priv,<br />add Super_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Show_db_priv,<br />add Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Super_priv,<br />add Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Create_tmp_table_priv,<br />add Execute_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Lock_tables_priv,<br />add Repl_slave_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Execute_priv,<br />add Repl_client_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Repl_slave_priv;<br /><br /># The statements below might generate errors - ignore them<br />update user set show_db_priv= select_priv, super_priv=process_priv, execute_priv=process_priv, create_tmp_table_priv='Y', Lock_tables_priv='Y', Repl_slave_priv=file_priv, Repl_client_priv=file_priv where user<>"";<br /><br />alter table user<br />add max_questions int(11) NOT NULL AFTER x509_subject,<br />add max_updates   int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AFTER max_questions,<br />add max_connections int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AFTER max_updates;<br /><br />alter table db<br />add Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,<br />add Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL;<br />alter table host<br />add Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,<br />add Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL;<br />

I hope this helps

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Thanks Guys. Looks like it's working like a charm....

Search results are down to about 2-5 seconds from a 20-30 second average on 3.23

I'm still somewhat curious why mysql focuses so hard one one query at a time, I was under the impression that it multi-tasked, and if thats the case ie how would more than one user be connected to the forum if it weren't? How come when someone does a search every other query grinds to a halt until the search is completed?

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Wow, that's a very significant increase in speed. I don't think I had that much, but I already used MyISAM tables in 2.23.x which is probably part of it. Also, I think I upgraded when something else was awry, so just the fact that the server worked was a plus for me. =] Actually, it wasn't MySQL that was the problem, but I eventually found the culprit and thought I'd go with 4 even though it was still in gamma back then...

Don't know about the one query thing, but it is true that usually 1-3 threads get almost all CPU power. It might have something to do that there is only one CPU so it can only do one thing at a time, even though it switches between threads very quickly. Maybe it is more efficient to stay on the thread doing the heavy query until it is finished to get it out of the way? I don't know, I have very little knowledge of the internals of thread switching and mysql...

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Hmm... would you still need to run the mysql commands mentioned by dimopoulos if you did a fresh install of MySql 4.0.x on a fresh installation of Win2K Server (data transfered from a 3.23.x database)?

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I believe you would... I think if you had the data in place when you upgraded it would ask you if you wanted to convert, but it's been a long time since I've updated to the 4.x series

- Allen wavey
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Yes you would only if you transferred your 3.23 mysql database across. In Windows you can just install 4.x, stop the service, change the ini file to the relevant path you want (say the D: drive or something like that) and then copy/move all the databases (3.23.x) to the new location. Starting the service again will use the new mysql database. In that case yes an upgrade is due as mentioned above. If however you just move all the databases and keep the mysql used from the fresh installation of 4.x there is no need to run the script.

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For my peace of mind and others who can benifit from this, here's what I did:

1. Dumped my database into a .sql file
2. Installed MySQL 4.0.13 on a new Windows server
3. Created a new database with no data
4. Uploaded my .sql file to the new database

If I am understanding this correctly, I do not need to run the script, correct?

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Yes you are right.

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Thank you!

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Here's what I've got for a my.cnf

We literally went from 30 second plus querries to 2.3 seconds. Dunno if it was changing from 3.2 to 4.0 or changing from openbsd to redhat either way I'm a happy dude

We just added another 256Meg of ram, so I've got a total of 512 to play with... heh heh...

  [mysqld]<br />datadir=/var/lib/mysql<br />socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock<br />max_connections     = 500<br />skip-innodb<br />query_cache_limit   = 1<br />query_cache_size    = 64<br />query_cache_type    = 1<br />interactive_timeout = 100<br />wait_timeout        = 100<br />connect_timeout     = 10<br />thread_cache_size    = 128<br />key_buffer          = 64M<br />join_buffer         = 1M<br />max_allowed_packet  = 16M<br />table_cache         = 2048<br />record_buffer       = 2M<br />sort_buffer_size    = 8M<br />read_buffer_size    = 8M<br />read_rnd_buffer_size=768K<br />max_connect_errors  = 10<br />thread_concurrency  = 2<br /><br /><br />[mysql.server]<br />user=mysql<br />basedir=/var/lib<br /><br />[safe_mysqld]<br />err-log=/var/log/mysqld.log<br />pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/<br />

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Those settings will help a lot on most servers But you said you only have 512mb of ram... you may want to try query_cache_size = 32.. or even 16 and compare query times with server loads.

Too much cache can also be a bad thing.. so you may want to experiment a little bit I found a better comprimize changing that value on mine to 32, and I have a gig of ram.

Just something to consider

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Thanks, I'll give that a look see.

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