Welp, I put a drop down naviagation box (form) in the header and nothing worked, no one could PM, post, nothing as long as it was there, here is the code, any ideas?
// Grab the tablewrapper list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();
// Send the template include("$thispath/templates/$tempstyle/header.tmpl");
Then upload the template file attached to your templates directory and rename it from header.txt to header.tmpl Make sure to edit the PATH TO YOUR IMAGE IN THE TEMPLATE FILE AS IAN SAID.
[]I am wondering if the file is not being found, and therefore the page is timing out? [/]
The ../../ just means to look for the file 2 directories back and has nothing to do with this problem, I even changed it to http://coloradok5.com/navagation-pic.png and it had the same outcome of course, the size is fine also.
Not quite sure what you mean: I would assume that this goes at the begining of the header.php file <? and ?> goes at the end with the rest in the middle somewhere?
[]Then upload the template file attached to your templates directory and rename it from header.txt to header.tmpl Make sure to edit the PATH TO YOUR IMAGE IN THE TEMPLATE FILE AS IAN SAID. [/] Do you mean just copy the header.php file in to the templates directory as header.tmpl? I wonder if this would effect other things, seems like everytime I fix a problem it changes something else.
Okay the contents of your header.php file I assume is what you posted above. So instead of that put this
$html = new html;
// Grab the tablewrapper list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper();
// Send the template include("$thispath/templates/$tempstyle/header.tmpl");
Then the contents of the header.php file I made into a template and attached the post above. It is just a templated header and if there was any problems with the form tag being in the php file or the way it reads it the template should solve it. You html was not compliant and missing a tag.
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