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web server tutorial
Article: Setting up your own Web Server
Tutorial by: Matt Jacob

Setting up your own Web server

Who should read this series?

Anyone who wants to have a fully-functioning Web server operating on their own computer should read this series. There are a few important benefits to having your own server, including:
  • You can test your scripts and applications without having to upload them;
  • You can create a personal Web site to share with friends and family;
  • You can possibly save hundreds of dollars a year on hosting*.

What will you learn in this series?

My goal here is not to make you an expert on all possible aspects of server technology. All I want to do is teach you how to install and run a server locally, on your own computer. Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to install and configure Apache 2.0.39;
  • How to install and configure ActivePerl 5.6.1;
  • How to install and configure PHP 4.2.1;
  • How to install and configure MySQL 3.23.51;
  • How to make your server accessible to the world using dynamic DNS;
  • Necessary security cautions to take in order to protect your computer;
  • Note: version numbers above are current as of 7/5/02**.

Conventions used in this series

Constant width is used to indicate HTML tags, code examples, and keyboard commands

Constant width bold is used to indicate on-screen labels and user-entered text

Italicized text is used to indicate filenames, directory names, and URLs

Minimum system requirements

There are a few prerequisite items that you need to meet before you go any further.

First, these instructions are geared to Windows users only. Sorry if you're a Mac person--I like 'em too--but this series just isn't for you. Second, you need to have either Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional installed, but nothing earlier. And absolutely no Win95, Win98, or WinME. I'll be using Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2, but I assure you that XP also works just fine. Third, you need to be able to download and unzip files, some of which are quite large. I estimate the combined size of the downloads at about 30 megabytes, so access to a broadband connection will come in handy.

Got all that? Let's get ready to roll!

Page 1: Installing and configuring the

Table of contents

  1. Installing and configuring the server
  2. Installing the Perl package
  3. Manually installing the PHP package
  4. Installing MySQL as a service
  5. Final comments and instructions

*This is actually only feasible if you have a broadband connection, and even then it's a little sketchy. Some ISPs don't allow you to run a HTTP server through their connection, so please check with your ISP before advertising that your server is accessible to the outside world.

**That date would be July 5, 2002 for the uninformed.

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AOL Instant Messenger: mattjacob1

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Installing and configuring the server

Downloading Apache for Windows

First things first!

You can find the binary of Apache 2.0.39 for Windows at:
[direct link]. The file is 3.2 MB, and is distributed as an MSI package.

Installing Apache

Open the file you just downloaded and read the prompts until you get to a screen
that looks like the one below. Fill in the information as I have, and then
enter your own email address in the last box.

[Linked Image]

The rest of the installation prompts are self-explanatory, so all you have
to do is pick a directory to install to and then wait for the installer to
finish. I recommend installing Apache to a separate partition
or drive in order to keep things neat and clean (if that's an option for you).
I should also mention that unless you choose otherwise, Apache2 will
be appended to all folder paths. This means that if you install to something
like H:Apache, it'll actually get installed to H:ApacheApache2.
I guess it's just one of those weird idiosyncrasies that everyone loves.

Having done all that, open your browser and type
If you see a page that looks like the one below, you may sit back and relax,
knowing that half the battle is already over.

[Linked Image]

If you don't see that page, uninstall Apache, and then start over, making sure
to read each prompt carefully. If you still can't get it to go after trying,
say, ten more times, email me and I might be able to help you out. Alternatively,
you can peruse the Apache help docs, located at

Configuring Apache

And now comes the fun part.

Opening the httpd.conf file for editing

Click on Start, then Apache HTTP Server 2.0.39, then
Configure Apache Server and finally Edit the Apache httpd.conf
Configuration File
. This will open up the httpd.conf file in
Notepad so that we can edit it. Know that if you make any huge
mistakes while editing this file, there's always a backup
copy available for you, and it's located in your H:Apache2conf
folder. The backup is named httpd.default.conf.

Setting up some basic values

Search for DocumentRoot and then change it from DocumentRoot
to wherever you want to keep your site's
HTML files. Mine is DocumentRoot "H:/httpdocs", because
I have my HTML files located at H:httpdocs. Now search for "H:/Apache2/htdocs"> and change that path to the same
as the previous one you picked out.

Turning on Server-Side Includes

If you don't know what SSIs are, or you just don't want to use them, you can
safely skip over this section. Otherwise, this is what you need to do in order
to turn site-wide SSIs on.

Search for Options Indexes FollowSymLinks and change it to Options
All MultiViews
. Then, search for #AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
and change it to AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html .htm .shtml .shtm.

Note: you can customize that last bit to your liking, if you
wish. If you don't want all files with the extensions .html
and .htm to be parsed, remove .html and .htm
from the list. If you want any other file extensions besides the ones I've
added to be parsed, add them in the same manner to that list.

Restarting Apache

Restarting Apache is easy to do, and it will need to be done whenever you make
any changes to the configuration file (httpd.conf). Because the file
gets read only when Apache starts, new changes won't take effect until you
restart Apache. Double-click the Apache Service Monitor icon in
the system tray (it's the one that looks like a feather with a green triangle
on it) to open the monitor. Now just click the Restart button and
wait for Apache to do it's thing.

After the server has been restarted, you'll see a message letting you know
that the changes went through successfully. If you made a major error editing
the file, Apache will let you know about it with an error message.

[Linked Image]

Page 2: Installing the Perl package

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Installing the Perl package

Downloading ActivePerl for Windows

You can find the binary of ActivePerl 5.6.1 for Windows at:
[direct link]. The file is 8.6 MB, and is distributed as an MSI package.

Installing ActivePerl

Start the installer, and then click through it (hopefully reading the prompts
along the way) until you get to a screen that looks like the one below.

[Linked Image]

I highly advise that you install Perl to a directory similar
to mine, which is H:usr (yours needs to be whatever drive you have
Apache installed on, i.e. C:usr or D:usr). This is quite
helpful if you also have a Unix or Linux Web server, because then the Perl
path (the first line of any Perl file, usually #!/usr/bin/perl)
will remain the same no matter what. Look at the screen below to see what
I mean regarding installation paths.

[Linked Image]

Continue to set up Perl until you get to the screen below, for which you should
make your options the same as mine.

[Linked Image]

Finish the installation by following the rest of the prompts, then continue
on to the next section when you're done.

Testing the Perl installation

Create a new blank document in Notepad, and then copy and paste
the code below into the file.
print "Hello, World";

Save the file as Start up the Command Prompt
and wait until you see C:>. Type perl,
hit Enter, and you should see Hello, World. If you
see this, this means that Perl was installed successfully!

[Linked Image]

Allowing Perl to run freely

Back in your httpd.conf file, search for ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
and change it to #ScriptAlias
/cgi-bin/ "H:/apache/cgi-bin/"
. Now find
#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi and change it to AddHandler
cgi-script .cgi .pl
. What we've done here is allowed Perl to run from
any directory, and also for files with the extension .pl to be treated
as Perl files (which they should be!).

You'll need to restart Apache for these new changes to take
effect (see the previous page for information on how to restart Apache).

Testing Web-based Perl

Create a new blank document in Notepad, and then copy and paste
the code below into the file.
print "Content-type:text/htmlnn";
print "Hello, World";

Save the file as H:httpdocshello.cgi and then go to
in your browser to test that it works. If you see what I see (screen shot
below), give yourself a pat on the back!

[Linked Image]

Page 3: Manually installing the PHP package

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Manually installing the PHP package

Downloading PHP for Windows

You can find the binary of PHP at
[direct link]. The file is 5.2 MB, and is distributed as a single zipped file.

Installing PHP

Extract the zip file to a directory of your choice. I put mine at H:php.
Some servers might crash if there's a space in the path name (i.e. H:My
3l33t PHP Installation
), so try to steer clear of that.

Copying required files

You'll need to copy the file php4ts.dll to your C:WINNTsystem32
folder (or C:Windowssystem32 for Windows XP). Also copy the file
php.ini-recommended to your C:WINNT folder (or C:Windows
for XP) and rename it to just plain ol' php.ini.

And now for more file copying

Due to some changes in the working of Apache 2.0.39, the standard PHP DLL file
for Apache2 will no longer function "out-of-box." This can be solved
easily, by downloading
[direct link]. Save
and copy that file to your H:phpsapi directory, overwriting any
existing file. Life is good--for the moment, at least.

Editing your php.ini

Open up your newly copied and renamed php.ini file. Search for extension_dir
and change it to read extension_dir = H:phpextensions
(making sure to modify it to reflect your actual path). Search for
doc_root = and change it to doc_root = H:httpdocs
where the path is the same as the one you picked for your HTML files back
in step one. Sounds easy enough, right?

We'll leave the rest of the file alone for now, but if you'd like to modify
more on your own, read up at

Apache, meet PHP

We're going to run PHP as a module for Apache, instead of as a CGI binary,
because it's more transparent and secure. And you really care about that,
right? You're just waiting for me to get to the good stuff, so here we go.

Open up your httpd.conf file again (it's the last time, I promise)
and search for #LoadModule ssl_module modules/ Directly
underneath that line, add LoadModule php4_module H:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll.

To try to keep all the "scripting stuff" in the same spot of my httpd.conf
file, I put the remaining lines necessary for PHP near the line we modified
in order to use Perl before. Search for AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
and then add this block of code a line or two below that.
# To use PHP scripts:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

The final section around that block should look like mine, which is below.
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

# To use PHP scripts:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

# For files that include their own HTTP headers:

Restarting the server

After making the outlined changes to httpd.conf, save and close the
file. Then, double-click the Apache Service Monitor icon in the
tray to pop open--you guessed it--the Apache Service Monitor! Click the Restart
button and then wait a few seconds while Apache shuts down and starts back

When the server comes back online, your screen should look like mine; also
take note of the text at the bottom of the window that reads Apache/2.0.39
(Win32) PHP/4.2.2-dev
. This just means that all is well in Apache land.

[Linked Image]

Your first PHP script

Copy 'n paste
[/code]into a new file in <kbd>Notepad</kbd> and then save it as<em> H:httpdocsphpinfo.php</em>. To recap, the entire file should read [code]
Now browse to and check to make sure
that what you see looks like my screen shot below.

[Linked Image]

If you can't see this screen, you hit a bump in the road somewhere along the
way. Your first move should be to visit
Start by reading the newest comments (the ones at the very bottom of the page)
to check if your problem has already been encountered by another user.

Enabling compressed output

Optionally, you can choose to compress PHP output using zlib compression.
This cuts down on your bandwidth and also helps pages to load faster. If you'd
like to turn zlib on, just follow the steps below.

According to the zlib Web site (, zlib is "a
free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered--that is, not covered by any patents--lossless
data-compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating
system." So there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth. Let's
turn it on already, shall we?

In php.ini, search for zlib.output_compression = off
and change it to read zlib.output_compression = on. All you have
to do next is search for ;extension=php_zlib.dll and change the
line to read extension=php_zlib.dll. Browse to
once more and then scroll down to the section about zlib. You should see what
I see.

[Linked Image]

Page 4: Installing MySQL as a service

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Installing MySQL as a service

Downloading MySQL for Windows

You can find the binary of MySQL at:
[direct link]. The file is 12.1 MB, and is distributed as a single zipped file.

Installing MySQL

I love installing MySQL because of its straightforwardness. It's a nice break
from all this configuration file mumbo jumbo that we've been working with.
All you need to do is unzip the file to a folder
(C:Temporary for all I care) and then execute the setup.exe
program. I'd guess that the hardest part of the entire installation is deciding
where you want to install to. I picked H:mysql, but you
can choose whatever you want.

[Linked Image]

Configuring MySQL

Editing your my.ini

Create a new file in Notepad and copy these three lines into it.
basedir = H:/mysql/
datadir = H:/mysql/data/

Change the basedir and datadir to suit your actual
installation, using mine as a model. Then, save the file as my.ini
and place it in your C:WINNT directory, so that the full path of
the file is C:WINNTmy.ini. You can close the file now.

Running as a service

Start up the Command Prompt and wait until you see C:>.
Switch to the drive you installed MySQL to by typing h: and then
Enter. To switch to MySQL's bin directory, type cd
and hit Enter. To install MySQL as a service
under Windows 2000/XP, type mysqld-nt -install and hit Enter.

You should see a screen similar to the one below, with a message letting you
know that the service was successfully installed.

[Linked Image]

At this point, you can restart your computer. You could forge ahead
without restarting by typing net start mysql and then pressing
Enter. What you'll see is a message confirming that the MySQL
service was started successfully. It looks strikingly and amazingly similar
to the one below.

[Linked Image]

Messing with the settings

To change the default MySQL password, enter the mysqladmin -u root password
command from the H:mysqlbin directory.
Change myNewPass1488 to a real password of your choosing.
To make sure that the change went through, type mysqladmin -u root reload
and hit Enter. What you want is a message telling you that access
was denied.

[Linked Image]

Let's just play with one more thing before calling it a night (which has no
doubt turned back into day by now). Type mysqladmin -u root -p status
and press Enter, and then type in your password when prompted.
You'll see some basic information about the currently-running service.

[Linked Image]

To shut down MySQL, type mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown and hit
Enter. Enter your password, press Enter again, and
then close the Command Prompt window. And that's that for MySQL!

Page 5: Final comments and instructions

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Final comments and instructions

Sitting through this series

If you've gotten this far, I congratulate and commend you,
brave soldier! I know that this subject matter is not exactly on the same
"fun level" as riding a roller coaster, but I tried to keep it as
straightforward and to-the-point as I possibly could. By now, you should be
able to walk away with a fully-functioning, feature-packed, somewhat-secure
(just kidding on that one) Web server of your very own to play with.

As your guide through the rough terrain, I can look back and rest easy tonight
knowing that someone with the very same questions as me will now have answers
to [some of] them.

What to do with this guide

You could:
  • Print it out for reference;
  • Save it to your hard drive;
  • Give it to your niece as a Christmas present;
  • Let your dog relieve hims--nevermind.

If you found this series useful, spread the word by emailing your friends,
posting a link back to it in your blog, or even writing a short blurb on your
site about it.

Going live with it all

Everyone loves .coms

If you have a broadband (cable, DSL, T1) connection to the Internet, you've
probably got this crazy notion in your head that you can just leave your computer
on all the time and start printing your IP address on your business cards
in place of a URL. Well, you could do that, but I've got a better

I suggest you read about DNS2Go at
The program is free to download and use, and you can even get a free subdomain
of your choice when you sign up. If you've already got your own FQDN (Fully
Qualified Domain Name), you can even use that, too! There are far too many
good features of DNS2Go to list here, so instead of trying, I'll just remind
you to check out that URL above.

Server security concerns

If you're planning on making your computer available to the world 24/7, you're
going to need some protection for it. Luckily, half the work has already been
done, because we're using Apache instead of IIS. However, there are a few
more products you'll need to obtain in order to have some system security.
I recommend getting:
  • A hardware firewall (Linksys makes an excellent router/firewall);
  • A software firewall program, such as ZoneAlarm by Zone Labs;
  • A good anti-virus program, such as Norton AntiVirus by Symantec.

Also make sure that Windows is fully patched and that your virus definition
files are up-to-date. IE6 is notorious for having gaping security holes, so
just keep an eye out for any alerts or warnings you read.

The inevitable © garbage

All I ask is that you don't slap your name on the front page and publish this
guide elsewhere to gain quick recognition from your friends and family. If
you want to re-publish this on any site or actually anywhere, for that matter,
please just get my permission first by dropping me a line. I'd be more than
happy to help you out.

Thanks for investing your time by listening to my drivel, and I hope this has
been as much fun for you as it was for me!

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