VNC Web Design UBB.Google Custom (Adsense) Search by Gizmo (James at VNC Web Design; This addon allows your users to search Google and have the results display inline on your forum.
Install Instructions: Upload the included files to your server (be careful to preserve directory structure) and add a link to the template file.
Setup: Be sure to edit the language file (languages/english/google.php), this file contains the configuration options for this script; including your publisher ID which contains your style code ID. This is a requirement as it includes your URL, Publisher ID, Style ID; basicaly everything this script needs.
There is an "advanced" tick in the Script file (/scripts/, basically just affecting how the title is built; for most users this won't need to be adjusted.
Mods: To add an option in your header: In /templates/default/header.tpl Find:
what would it take to add it to the search drop down menu?
and this still doesn't resolve my original problem, redirecting a google search from another page and having the output in the wrapper..
I have custom error pages, so when someone gets an error 404, they get a window offering them helpful advice, like site navigation, and a search box.. that search box currently has to point to a standalone page to display googles results, I can't get in the wrapper...
ok, I just removed the google search box from my 404 page and put a link in its place to the the google mod.. not as fancy, but should work just as well.
As for your 404 stuff, theres an additional parameter you have to pass (it makes it so the search result stuff only shows when a search is being preformed); so you'd put:
it parses, brings up the mod on the site, but I get..
Google Error
Not Found The requested URL /cse?ubb=google&process=1&cx=partner-partner-pub-1428978494316705%3Ayix18h-jgii&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=test&sa=Search&ad=w9&num=10& was not found on this server.
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