Posted By: gost95 Error Deleting - 04/04/2002 3:08 AM
*two part error*

ok, when i tried to delete a topic today i got this message:

Can't open /mnt/web_a/d02/s22/a0008whv/www/UBB//Forum/lasttime.file: No such file or directory
Here is the backtrace:
Backtrace: ubb_lib_filehandle.cgi:294 -> sub UBB::FileHandle::tracer
Backtrace: ubb_lib_filehandle.cgi:382 -> sub UBB::FileHandle::_open
Backtrace: ubb_lib_filehandle.cgi:58 -> sub UBB::FileHandle::_open_file
Backtrace: ubb_lib_filehandler.cgi:116 -> sub UBB::FileHandle::new
Backtrace: ubb_lib_files.cgi:523 -> sub UBB::FileHandler::open
Backtrace: ubb_topic_maint.cgi:703 -> sub main::WriteFileAsString
Backtrace: ubb_topic_maint.cgi:176 -> sub main::transfer_to_recycle
Backtrace: ubb_topic_maint.cgi:170 -> sub main::do_delete_topic
Backtrace: ultimatebb.cgi:926 -> sub main::delete_topic

i have that "Recycle Bin" hack too, but it's always worked so i don't think that is the issue.

second part is when i tried to refresh the page after i couldn't delete the topic:

An error has occured:

Tried to open zero sized thread 000001 in forum 2 at /mnt/web_a/d02/s22/a0008whv/cgi-bin//ubb_lib_files.cgi line 770.

....now if i just move a topic and choose delete instead of leaving it closed in the forum, it'll delete it with no problem, but i would like my delete to work.

any ideas??
Posted By: Burak Re: Error Deleting - 04/04/2002 1:42 PM
first one:
your paths are not correct or a file named "lasttime.file" does not exists. create a blank text file named "lasttime.file.txt" upload it to the directory. and rename to "lasttime.file" or check the CP options. maybe there can be an auto fix for this. I dont know...

maybe you've reached your host's limit or a bad coded "hack" did this
Posted By: gost95 Re: Error Deleting - 04/05/2002 8:05 PM
thanks a lot for your help man. i'll try it out today.
Posted By: gost95 Re: Error Deleting - 04/07/2002 8:47 PM

i just noticed something in both of those error codes, and it might be the answer to my problems.

notic that after "cgi-bin" in the first error there are two slashes instead on one. the same problem applies to the second error with there being two slashes after the "UBB".

so if i'm right about this issue then where might i find the code to fix it?

Posted By: Dave_L Re: Error Deleting - 04/07/2002 9:45 PM
Check your paths in the control panel configuration settings. The paths should not have a trailing slash (/).

I doubt that's the problem, though, since if the paths weren't working, nothing on your board would be working. It could just be that the error message is incorrectly adding a extra slash.
Posted By: LK Re: Error Deleting - 04/07/2002 9:59 PM
Me thinks that it's not because of the double-slashes. If it's only when you delete a topic, try without hacks. If it doesn't work, then open a support ticket (and don't rehack, cause then IP won't help you tipsy ).
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