Posted By: Rickard Really! need help with this... - 12/18/2000 9:13 AM
I use a standard left navbar solution with all my .cgi UBB links on the left hand side. Every UBB link (preferences, profile, search etc...) shows up nicely in the middle table.

Doing this was easy!, but my problem is that i now also want to add regular .htm, .shtml links to my left nav bar.

How do i make a link in the nav bar that links to example: whatever.htm(.shtml)? I want that link to be static in the left navbar like the rest of the UBB links (prefs, profile etc...) are when browsing throw the forum. I have no problem adding my index.shtml file as a starpage to my nav bar solution. I used . But i want to have more .shtml links to show up in the middle table. Really need help on this.

Hop you dont mind that i add an image to this message so you know what i mean.

Best Regards
Posted By: Jamin Re: Really! need help with this... - 12/19/2000 12:37 AM
I'm pretty sure I understand what you're trying to say... I think about the best solution I can offer you is to copy the navigation of your forums, and insert that into all of your pages. Then you just link straight to those pages, and the navbar looks the same on all of them.

Either that, or you could use frames. And in at least my little circle of web-designer friends, frames are generally frowned upon. If you use frames, you link to the file, and then specify TARGET=FRAME_NAME inside the A tag, to make that page appear in the frame correctly.



when is a croquet mallet like a billy club?
i'll tell you:
whenever you want it to be.
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