Thank you.
ok go to ur control panel and look at the Primary Settings drop down box and click Style Templates and look for
ยป To add a new style template, click here.
which is directly under the drop down boxes
Thank you sk8285,
I understand that, but where can I get those premade templates and how do I enter them into my UBB folder?
Thank you.
go to the templates section of this UBB..Skorpian is giving about Compact Headers and Footers installed in some public pl files....its really not Style templates but they make ur ubb look better all you have to do is change your colors to what u want and images to what u want

here is Skoprion's example:
So, as I understand, there's no such thing as using a PREmade complete "looks" by adding some template into the templates folder and switching to it?
By "complete looks", do you mean the page layout, or the colors/graphics?

Page layouts can be distributed with template files, like I've done with Compact Headers & Footers. These are just done with the actual template files (ie. public_forum_summary.pl).

Colors/graphics schemes can be distributed via style settings files, or by style settings explanations, i'll call them, for lack of a better word. In our Design Tutorials database (up at the top), we have a page that lists several color scheme suggestions that you can enter into your style settings control panel. Alternately, Infopop does now allow distribution of the actual files that control style settings. However, this decision is relatively new (and/or not very well known), so I have no clue whether files of this sort are actually being distributed right now or not. If you do find some, you can open the Styles subdirectory of your non-cgi folder, and copy the file you found (should be something like vars_style_#.cgi) into that directory. It will have all applicable settings preset. But like I said, I'm not sure if you can actually find these files yet.

Thanks Scorpion,
Where is Design Tutorials Database?
You mentioned on the top , on the right, but I still couldn't find it.
Could you please post a link or smtn?
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