Posted By: Matt Jacob Removing Profile, Register, Prefs, etc. - 11/14/2000 11:46 PM
I want to remove the Profile, Register, Preferences, FAQ and Search from the top of my board, so i can put it somewhere else on a separate part of my site. How do I do this?

Posted By: Thradar Re: Removing Profile, Register, Prefs, etc. - 11/15/2000 2:27 AM
Just need to find where that info is written out, definately Ultimate.cgi (for main forums listing). forumdisplay.cgi (for forum display), then for when it gets written to each thread I would check in ubb_library.pl and ubb_library2.pl. I'm at work and don't have the source code to check. Just do a backup, then snip, snip, once you find it and it's gone. [Linked Image]


a.k.a. Neal Ulen | Webmaster - GamerForums.Net | Senior Editor - Moviefan Online
cool, thanks.

Look for $reglink $searchoption in the same line. Once you have located this line, just delete the whole enchilada (line). It's in forumdisplay.cgi (2-3x), ubb_library2.pl (1x), and Ultimate.cgi (1x).

The Fusion of Goku & Trunks...GoTorankusuKu
Posted By: synergy Re: Removing Profile, Register, Prefs, etc. - 11/16/2000 8:45 AM
if you want to replace this with images for each item, would you just delte the text and replace it with the image code???
There is a cosmetic hack in the database which replaces the text with an image. You can get images at my forums

The Fusion of Goku & Trunks...GoTorankusuKu
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