Posted By: Glenn Holland Ads, Tables, Speed, and Netscape - 08/20/2001 11:51 PM
I have read the tutorial on putting HTML in the header and footer sections in order to accomodate my top and side ads, but have a few problems.

Here's the test forum:


The problems:

Browsers: looks fine in IE and okay in Netscape six. Sucks in Netscape below v. 6. Looks to be a table issue? That's 18% of our users, too big to blow off.

Speed: Whether it's the added HTML or the graphics (which have been fairly well optimized), the load speed is noticably slower in this configuration compared to the generic design. What can be done?

Would using frames for the top and side be a solution for these two problems? If so, how do I get the forum to show in the main frame (I get a "remote file: http://ekartingnews.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi" message)?


Posted By: AllenAyres Re: Ads, Tables, Speed, and Netscape - 08/20/2001 11:59 PM
you've got 2 sets of


tags... make sure you only include the the table info in your header box in your control panel.. let the ubb handle the other tags...

any more questions, just ask
Posted By: AllenAyres Re: Ads, Tables, Speed, and Netscape - 08/21/2001 12:01 AM
your header box should be starting with:

also, add comments to your code so you know where one starts and the other stops... makes it much easier to trouble-shoot

Posted By: Glenn Holland Re: Ads, Tables, Speed, and Netscape - 08/22/2001 4:24 AM
Okay, I got rid of that stuff. Will that make it work with pre v. 6 Netscape?
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