Posted By: » Joker Registered Members on index page - 04/28/2002 8:34 PM
If I want the 'Registered Members' bar to come up on my index page, how would I go about doing it? What code would I need and what kind of file would I need to save it as, etc?

Any help would be much appreciated

- Joker
Posted By: Jamin Re: Registered Members on index page - 04/29/2002 7:23 PM
Would probably require its own special template file and "?ubb=whatever;" instructions from ultimatebb.cgi. I did a hack awhile ago that pulled the standard UBB headers & footers to an shtml page which worked the same way as what you're wanting to do. That hack is for an old version of UBB, but it's listed in my hacks page (see sig) if you want to download/study it to see how I did it. It's prolly not too awful difficult to transfer it to what you're trying to do. smile

Posted By: » Joker Re: Registered Members on index page - 04/30/2002 2:47 PM
Cheers m8y

I looked into the ?ubb=index tactic thingy, but I';ll need more files than just the ubb_whatever.cgi file. I tried to modify the Authority List so that it did what I needed, but about half way through, I realised that it would be breaching copyright etc.

Then I went about creating an index file and using the 'show_login' and 'RegisteredMembersLine' lines, but when I uploaded it to the same URL, it wanted to DOWNLOAD the fuile rather than displaying it?

Any ideas on whats going on there?

- Joker
Posted By: Jamin Re: Registered Members on index page - 04/30/2002 5:05 PM
If it tried to download the file, most likely what happened is you put a CGI file in a folder that wasn't meant for scripts, or something like that. I've had that problem before too occasionally, usually when I get permissions or script directories set up wrong.

If you want, I'll try to whip up a quick hack for you later today that should be what you're wanting, if I get time. smile

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