Posted By: Phil Can someone help me with this? - 12/28/2000 1:59 PM

The problem is is that the content at the bottom of my thread pages has somehow got itself into the table with the admin functions and i cant for the life of me figure out how to get it out. And its annoying me cos that big maroon box does look out of place.

Can anyone help me out? I can e-mail you my copy of ubb_library2.pl if so. (dont worry about the misaligned form, im gonna fix that soon enuff)


Not Quite Competent.....
Posted By: Phil Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/28/2000 5:25 PM
I really, really, really need help with this one people cos i have just noticed that my thread pages refuse to display when veiwed in Netscape 4.7 and ive got a sneaky suspicion that this table business has something to do with it.



Not Quite Competent.....
Posted By: Metallifukinca Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/28/2000 6:51 PM
Dude it looks fine to me (In both IE & Nutscape)
Check my boards http://www.metallifukinca.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000065.html

Is this how you want it ?

Lemme know

I Disappear ?
Posted By: Burak Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/29/2000 3:07 PM
from the screenshot it looks like you have missed a closing table tag ( or or ) ?

or you put the tags to the wrong place?
Posted By: Phil Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/29/2000 3:17 PM
The trouble im having is that that section of code is broken up and spread aroud in that part of the script so i cant see what im doing.........


Its in there somewhere......


Not Quite Competent.....
Posted By: Dark_Wizard Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/29/2000 3:40 PM
I have it figured out but you didn't supply enough code....email or ICQ me

I do not offer support by EMail or ICQ, please post your question at UBBDev....
Posted By: Dark_Wizard Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/29/2000 7:58 PM
Phil....the correction is on it's way to you via email. You had an ending table tag in the wrong place....

I do not offer support by EMail or ICQ, please post your question at UBBDev....
Posted By: GoTorankusuKu Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/29/2000 8:13 PM
I don't see any problems with the prev/next bars and the posts tables. I think he's using those third party browsers like Opera or Neoplanet...

Posted By: Dark_Wizard Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/30/2000 12:15 AM
The problemis at the bottom of the board where the copyright is....notice the red background?

I do not offer support by EMail or ICQ, please post your question at UBBDev....
Posted By: GoTorankusuKu Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/30/2000 11:07 PM
I just went to his UBB again and it doesn't have that red background at the copyright (IE 5.5 SP1). I think he is using a different browser.

Posted By: Dark_Wizard Re: Can someone help me with this? - 12/31/2000 5:48 AM
Thats because I already fixed it yesterday....He had a tag in the wrong spot....

I do not offer support by EMail or ICQ, please post your question at UBBDev....
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