I am using the :hover property from CSS for A links (since IE doesn't support other elements) to create mouse overs for a graphical menu. Firefox and Opera both currently display correctly and Internet Explorer appears to do so as well at first glance.

However, when the mouse is moved quickly, the mouse-out event appears to not trigger. The :hover graphic sticks. The following image demonstrates this:


If anyone has any ideas on solving this problem please let me know. I'm NOT using any Javascript and I did try to make use of display: block;, but that didn't help.


<!-- Background image for each tab. -->
<div class="tabs">

<!-- Encloses all graphics containing tab text. -->
<div class="tab_text">

<!-- Uses an empty pixel as the main image,
with the background changing on mouse over. -->
<a href="" class="tab_home">
<img src="_.gif" class="tab tab_home">
/* Background image for the tab set. */
DIV.tabs {
width: 82px;
height: 396px;

position: absolute;
top: 96px;
left: 806px;

/* Div that encloses all the tab text images. */
DIV.tabs DIV.tab_text {
width: 41px;
height: 396px;

position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;

/* Styles pertaining to all tab images. */
DIV.tabs A IMG.tab {
width: 28px;

position: relative;
left: 6px;
z-index: 6;

/* Style pertaining to the Home link. All others have the same type of code, just different sizing and images. */
DIV.tabs DIV.tab_text A.tab_home IMG.tab_home {
height: 63px;
top: 16px;

background-image: url('tab_text_home.gif');

/* Style on mouse-over of the Home link. */
DIV.tabs DIV.tab_text A.tab_home:hover IMG.tab_home {
background-image: url('tab_text_home_mo.gif');
They had to use javascript to get image hovers to work correctly in IE:

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