While I've had UBB for almost a year, I'm rather terrified to make changes to it for fear I'll mess it up! :rolleyes:

But, I'll never learn if I don't try and I did dink with some minor changes so I think I'm ready to try something else once the final release is out.

I've had requests for the following on my bb.
1. # of Views per topic
2. Have more than 4 categories for registered members. (I'm the only one that is the Divine Authority....)
3. BIG ONE: I'd love to do a few SSI, but not sure how to grab specific areas of the forums for the data. Are there instructions for this somewhere? I thought it would be neat to set up a forum, that I alone can post to and automatically update a webpage by posting thru the browser. (Is this just wishful thinking?)

I also saw someones hack that allows you to incorporate images into forum cells. (Really nice idea...would like to experiment with it) What's this hack called? I tried it, but don't think I have enough info from the forums to do it myself. (Not sure why images are not appearing properly so I pulled it off)

Last question: Is there a book, cheat sheet or website that shows some of the standard codes used in the bb? I'm used to html and a bit of basic, but that's it.

Thanks for any help you can give me!
Don't think I should have posted this here.
Will the powers that be...please move it to where it belongs?
Forgive me!
will do.. moving to "v6 modification questions"
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