Posted By: Daniel Lindberg Just need help with minor fix - 05/04/2001 10:47 PM
Where do I change the background color of the "Registration - Age Verification" cell on the first registration page? It should be blue, not grey...


Posted By: The Donut Re: Just need help with minor fix - 05/05/2001 7:31 AM
Hmm.. That shouldn't be doing that. Strangeness. Upgrading will fix that though, or it usually does.

If you don't feel like upgrading, then do this.

Go into public_age_check.pl, and find $TBT, it's in the first few lines of the file.

Below it, you'll see something like this:


If that line says anything other than the above code, then change it to the above code. Chances are it in there as $vars_style{TableStripColor} <-- A mistake I've done before while modding my ubb. Or as $vars_style{CategoryColorStrip}. Either of those would give you a grey table bg. More likely the 2nd one though.
Posted By: Daniel Lindberg Re: Just need help with minor fix - 05/05/2001 12:46 PM
Yes that fixed it, thanks smile
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