Read the title, and bear in mind that 6.04 is absolutely different from 5.47 IMO( In My Opinion) but with all that said, how do I add date and time under topic starter...

I tried writing the ThisDate and TimeFormat

($GetMonth, $GetDate, $GetYear) = split(/-/, $hyphen_date);
$GetYear = &Y2K($GetYear);
$hyphen_date = ("$GetMonth" . "-" . "$GetDate" . "-" . "$GetYear");
$ThisDate = &DateFormat($hyphen_date);

#format time
$FormatTime = &TimeFormat($post[4]);

But that didn't work, any ideas??
You're using a v5.47? Then you should be over in the v5 forum. This hacks exists for 5.x (i believe), but is quite different. Transferring the topic now....

Just a thought smile
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