I just got UBB a week ago, and I'm loving it!

The first thing I want to do (beyond the integrated hacks that already exist - verycool stuff!) is modify the layout of the forum pages. Specifically how do I *remove* the Member # in posts?

After I do that I know I want to do a whole lot more, so thus the general Subject line.

in public_topic_page.pl (Template)
remove $member_number
Thanks Jordo! Anyone know where I can find a complete list of variables?

No such thing exists AFAIK, I'm afraid. frown

Keep an eye out for things from the collective effort of the hackers over the next few weeks- we're cooking up some big stuff in the private forum. smile
its not that hard -- lemme see.. just look in the files and read what each variable says and stuff you will catch on its really easy -- and it teaches about alot more things then just variables more like how the ubb works
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