Posted By: Raconteur Link from logo image changed - 06/24/2001 7:10 AM
I just upgraded from 5.47 to 6.04f, and under the old version, when you clicked our logo (in the upper right of the screen) from within a forum, it took you to the discussion groups home page. But if you clicked the logo from the discussion groups home page, it took you to the site home page. Under v6.04f, it ALWAYS takes you to the discussion groups home and never goes to the site home... did this change, or am I just missing a setting/hack?

Posted By: Tech-Ni-Kal Re: Link from logo image changed - 06/24/2001 4:22 PM
I am guessing it was changed. It wouldnt be too hard to change it
in public_common.pl in your templates folder change


Hi Tech,

Thanks for the input, but I cannot wrap my mind around how to make it so that the logo takes you from anywhere in the groups to the groups homepage, EXCEPT if you click it from the homepage, in which case it takes you to the site home... How do I determine if I am currently looking at the groups homepage so I can substitute the code you responded with??



[ June 26, 2001 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Raconteur ]
Posted By: Raconteur Re: Link from logo image changed - 06/26/2001 7:37 AM
Ok, well... I answered my own question...

That var you used wasn't correct, should have been HomePageURL, but changing that line works exactly as it used to!

What I do not understand, and I would appreciate it tremendously if you or anyone else could shed some light on this, is how in the world that code switches depending on where you are! Is the HomePageURL var changing at runtime to reflect the boards home when you are anywhere but the board hompage?? It is cool, but I NEED to know how and why it works!!! I NEED to know, really... wink
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