Posted By: Night Wolf is there a hack that...? - 07/15/2001 10:08 PM
Is there a hack that allows administrators to add a custom status/icon to a members title, independent of the number of posts or anything else? I have seen some that allow the users themselves to add a custom status / icon, but none that only allow the administrators to do so.

thank you,
Night Wolf
Posted By: Lord Dexter Re: is there a hack that...? - 07/16/2001 9:37 AM
Jimbos Custom status/Rank has does that, Only allows admins to add titles and using HTML you can add images too and stuff..
Posted By: Night Wolf Re: is there a hack that...? - 07/18/2001 4:51 AM
Thank you verry much smile
Posted By: Lord Dexter Re: is there a hack that...? - 07/18/2001 9:52 AM
No prob. Glad to help. laugh
Posted By: Disc 2 Re: is there a hack that...? - 07/18/2001 10:13 PM
will this script cause conflicts with the star hack?
Posted By: Lord Dexter Re: is there a hack that...? - 07/19/2001 10:02 AM
Yes it will. You'll need to use the HTML example in the readme to add stars after the Titles.
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