Name: LOGIN (for v6 series) Quick Redirect Hack
Description: Speeds up the logging process by giving the UBB administrator the option
of using the _default_ "info" screens after a login/logout or bypassing these screens totally.
Link: http://www.qasic.com/ubbhacks.html

Unforutunately, I don't have a SSI/Frames UBB so I'm unable to test that feature so I really wish someone could *please*. This would be greatly appreciated.

Please provide beta feedback here. Thanks!

A beta mod for a beta mod for a beta piece of software?

PLEASE post any updates to this mod INSIDE THIS TOPIC. hate98 is driving me insane already with his need to post a new topic for every minor update.
Sorry Borg, but Jim wanted me to post as a separate topic. Sorry, this wasn't my call; it was his.

Oh, no, this topic is ok as a central thing, but no more on the same subject, like hate.
Ok, that clarifies it. Thx Borg!
During beta development, this is required for me to properly track bug reports for the correct version. Infopop releases new betas in a new topic on their news forum, for example. Also, folks will see the topic with version x and may not read it to see if version x+1 was released.

Remember, this is beta time, many fast and sudden releases. As I explained in my other posts, many times in the past, when UBB6 is out of beta, and so is login.cgi, you will only see new topics as new non-betas come out. You see, after initial public release of non-betas, no more WIDE betas between those releases. Only folks on my beta team will discuss betas at that time.

I hope *this* clarifieds my madness does indeed have a method. smile
Hey, anyone using login 5.0 on UBB6 version 8.1 or later - did your guest login stop working? Must be 8.1 or later.

When a user clicks on guest does UBB6 report "Sorry, we have no one registered with that name. Use your browser's back button to try again." ???

Please lemme know, thanks. I can work around this in the next closed beta.
Yes, that happened to me.
I know why... if logging is either globally disabled or just guest logging, it won't store the cookies properly in that situation only. I will work on this for next limited beta. Gonna be a tough one, I looked at it for over an hr tonight and could not squash it. I'll attack this before next release.

Temporary solution for this beta:
Simply turn on logging for now, both globally and guest logging.

Thanks - remember, bugs are expected, this is a beta!
Did I mention I am considering going back to my cookie library? It worked flawlessly on all platforms (3.05 I mean.)

After UBB6 is in general release, I'm going to work strictly and exclusively on a "cookie free" UBB, including a way to time-out sessions as config'd by the admin.

Here is what I plan on doing, in order:

1) squash some bugs now
2) Release non beta login.cgi 6.0 numbered to match UBB6 when it's in non-beta finally
3) Release limited beta (testers on my team only) of NON-cookies version and hacks
4) Release non-beta 7.0 (non-cookies)

Now have you guys found any more bugs? I think other than this one, it's running quite stable considering UBB6 is in beta.

Thanks for your help guys.

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