Because the member who created a topic can anytime delete it, also if it's now a long topic with hundreds of replies I've make this small hack.

- a member can delete a topic, if he is topic starter, but only if there are no replies
- admins and mods can always delete the topic

Sounds gr8!Big THX,man!
if you dont want them deleting the posts, why not just not allow thhem to in the CP?
yea thats what i thought too... i set it to that my members can modify but not delete there post, only admins and mods can do that. thats a normal feature and was in existence in the 5 series as well
I want allow my members to delete their own posts. If someone thinks he wrote bs, why not deleting this? But they should not delete a complete, maybe long, topic.

If you allow your member to delete posts, the topic starter could always delete other posts with this.

I found this a bad solution in UBB5 and now it's the same in UBB6.
Hack seems to dont work...so ill take the cp solution...
if they write bs... thei can alway's edit instead of delete.
This hack screws up the Subject line when the topic-starter edits the post.

First edit it inserts | between each character. Second time it turns it into a string of asll available characters ("|A|B|C|", "|1|2|3| and so on).

Dont know how or why...it's just one little piece of code.

Oh, and when I try to uninstall it by working backwards, it corrupts the page cuz the line is off somehow.

Other than that, though, it does what it's supposed to.
Any ideas how to fix that?
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