Posted By: MenacE How do I - 03/06/2002 12:59 AM
Ok I have version 6.2.0

I was wondering how I hide the member number from appearing under the users name I dont want it to appear unless I go into their profile.

Also I would like all the details that appear underneath their post such as post count to actually appear under their username.

If anyone could help id be most grateful.
Posted By: Lord Dexter Re: How do I - 03/06/2002 7:27 AM
1. Open public_topic_page.pl and remove $member_number

2. Move the $AuthorExtra variable in public_topic_page.pl to where you want it.
Posted By: MenacE Re: How do I - 03/06/2002 4:57 PM
When you say wherever I want it where to?

Remember I am completely lame at this frown
Posted By: MenacE Re: How do I - 03/06/2002 5:05 PM
OK I figured this out but when I moved it it worked and all but rather than just having the author extra I dont want them all under the name in a line I wan them as follows...


How would I do this
Posted By: Charles Capps Re: How do I - 03/06/2002 9:57 PM
ubb_lib_posting, sub create_topic... As of 6.2.2, line ~ 1200. That is where the bottom line is put together.
Posted By: MenacE Re: How do I - 03/06/2002 10:09 PM
I cant actually see what Im looking for! WHat am I looking for how do I restructure that part.

I take it I modify how it is laid out and in the other public topic just place it under the name?

But how do I do that in the first place.
Posted By: Charles Capps Re: How do I - 03/07/2002 3:10 AM
Learn to read Perl! laugh

No, really, I'm serious.

Let's take a look at this code.

if ($vars_display{author_post_total} eq 'yes') {
$post_total_line = qq( $vars_wordlets{author_posts} $vars_config{'jc'}->{'no-b'}$user_profile[7]$vars_config{'jc'}->{'no-b-close'} );
push (@author_extra, $post_total_line);

(This is as of 6.2.2 - your code will lack the $vars_config{jc} bits)

This code checks the value of the author_post_total entry in the %vars_config list (hash)... if it's "yes", then it creates a variable containing some text and pushes it into a list (@author_extra)...

There are a few more of those above and below.

Finally comes

if ($author_extra[0]) {
$AuthorExtra = join ("|", @author_extra);
} else {
$AuthorExtra = '';

So the @author_extra list is joined together using a pipe character to seperate each entry, then that is stuck in the variable $AuthorExtra.

What you want to do is:

- Change the sequence that joins the entries together from a pipe to something like "
- Move the location of $AuthorExtra in public_topic_page from the bottom of each post to wherever you desire it.
Posted By: MenacE Re: How do I - 03/07/2002 5:38 PM
Thanx buddy that helps alot, I think Ive got the hang of how to do it now smile
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