I can log into my control panel fine and dandy..but once I click to submit I get these three errors..wonderful.
Here they are...

Line: 6
Char: 1
Error: 'isMINIE5' is undefined
Code: 0
URL: http://www.quiettstormm.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/cp.cgi

(The URLS for the next two are the same)

Line: 88
Char: 3
Error: 'navBars.length' is not an object.
Code: 0

Line: 88
Char: 3
Error: 'myNavBar' is not an object.

Now, if this is a bug, which I don't think it is, I will wait. But I think I may have done something to bring this on. What sure what but errors like these just don't happen out of nowhere.

Can someone tell me why this is happening and what I can do to correct it.

Thank you.

[ February 07, 2001: Message edited by: Three D ]
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