Posted By: Zedd Avergae bandwidth - 06/01/2001 3:50 AM
Ok I am running a v5.47 or whatever the last UBB 5 is. I am using about 13 - 14 gigs of bandwith for my page (most of which is the UBB)

My question is on average how much does the UBB 6 use? I have less than 500 members, but have been over 700 before. I get a few thousand messages a week if not more.

I had a V6 up, but had to dump it because I was having problems with space and people being able to log in
Posted By: qasic Re: Avergae bandwidth - 06/01/2001 5:15 AM
If you're pushing the b/w limit w/ UBB 5 DO NOT upgrade to UBB 6; UBB 6 increases bandwidth.

Posted By: Zedd Re: Avergae bandwidth - 06/01/2001 10:41 PM
Now that is what bugs me. UBB 6 was supposed to decrease bandwidth wasn't it?

I mean my year of updates was about to expire and I paid for another year to get the ubb6 and then found out I could not use it. I had to revert back to a 5
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