I have a site setup that integrates UBB with my other site security. The login that is used for the rest of the board is the user's email addy. Well, I thought this was working fine until one user complained that he couldn't get into the forum. His email addy was 30 characters and UBB was rejecting it as invalid.

I manually edited the member's var file and it still didn;t work.

Can anyone shed light on what I need to do to make UBB ignore the 25-character limit?
Gah, I can imagine how frustrating that would be... frown

public_register_page.pl, find:

<tr bgcolor="$vars_style{AltColumnColor1}">
<font size="$vars_style{TextSize}" face="$vars_style{FontFace}">
<input type="text" name="username" size="25" maxlength="25" />

Replace with:
<tr bgcolor="$vars_style{AltColumnColor1}">
<font size="$vars_style{TextSize}" face="$vars_style{FontFace}">
<input type="text" name="username" size="25" />
public_register_page_kid.pl, find:
<tr bgcolor="$vars_style{AltColumnColor1}">
<font size="$vars_style{TextSize}" face="$vars_style{FontFace}">
<input type="text" name="username" size="25" maxlength="25" />

Replace with:
<tr bgcolor="$vars_style{AltColumnColor1}">
<font size="$vars_style{TextSize}" face="$vars_style{FontFace}">
<input type="text" name="username" size="25" />
Hope that works for you. smile
Well, I had already thought of changing the max-lengths on each form, but I am afraid that there might be something a little more intense going on.

When a person registers on my website a hidden page is referred that is set up to quietly create the UBB account using the same information. Basically it is a self-submitting form that contains hidden inputs that corespond to each necessary UBB field. On this form I have no max length for the login... and it appears that UBB truncated the login automatically to fit the 25 character limit.

Also, I manually edited the member's var file to include the entire email addy... without luck. When I attempted to log in using the full-length email the UBB system wouldn;t recognize that as a valid member's name.

I am thinking that there must be some code somewhere that is not allowing a long name.

Any ideas?

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