In reference to a previous post I made https://ubbdev.com/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=26;t=002505

I'm now getting this message at the top of the page when a new user registers on my site:

Set-Cookie: ubber2452590.2306=test&test&Test&1000&00000020&0; path=/; expires=Mon, 27-Dec-2004 14:29:51 GMT Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 14:29:51 GMT Charset: ISO-8859-1 Content-Type: text/html

The registration process still works fine but that message looks really untidy on the page - can I hide/remove this header info?

I'm assuming it's something to with the whole frames/cookies/IE6 thing.

Thanks for any help!

hmmm... a new one I haven't seen before. Are you stil running 6.3x or 6.4?
Seems like it printed the content type before when it should have... undo and reinstall every hack which might touch the header printing of registration page.
I'm using v6.2x and any hacks that I've applied have not even touched the registration page files so this is really strange.

I've also just tried installing the original reg page files over my existing ones to see if that fixed the problem but that didn't work either.


Any more ideas, please?

I still can't fix this and reinstalling the whole board will be very disruptive to my site.
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