Posted By: Drooling Dog Importing Members to UBB.x - 09/19/2003 2:22 AM
I hope this isn't too far off-topic here, as it's about InfoPop's hosted solution, UBB.x.

The guys on this thread on the official UBB forum have given me a great little .xml script to run to import members.

Problem is, it's not working and, based on the lack of replies lately, they've given up on me.

Can anyone here have a look at that and see if you can pinpoint the problem?

Posted By: Drooling Dog Re: Importing Members to UBB.x - 09/19/2003 2:40 AM
Never mind. I figured it out. They had given me the wrong table name.
Posted By: usr bin geek Re: Importing Members to UBB.x - 09/19/2003 2:47 AM
Just so you know, for future UBB.x questions, we have UBB.xDev smile
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