hi, I've just clean install ubb.clasic 6.3 in another folder. i've move older forums in noncgi folder. Bu i can't see my forums in new board ?

How to imprort older forums to new board?
ig you are doing a clean install I would suggest using the latest release version, or at least upgrade the version you are using. in order for the forums to be in your new board you will have to copy over the configuration files (vars_forums.cgi vars_cat etc) you could also just keep the older files and edit the var_config.cgi file to reflect the new paths and URLS
I believe in 6.3 there was only categories.file (not vars_cats.cgi), which was in the noncgi folder, so you should move that over also, along with what Charles said
thank you so much. I'ıı try wink
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