is there a way to ad some notes to the profiles? a note only visible to admins?
it is rwally hard to remember without some help / notes...

What is really hard to remember?
I believe you jane is referring to moderation notes to keep track of who's been warned for what, etc. I've seen someone ask about this before. I don't believe that such a mod exists. It was suggested to have a forum only available to mods and admins. Then make a post when the users name and reply to it anytime they are warned, etc.

Hope this helps.
A quick and dirty solution is to simply add a column, e.g. U_Notes, to the w3t_Users table, and modify it or view it with phpMyAdmin. This doesn't involve hacking any scripts, and won't incur any maintenance when upgrading to new threads versions.

I would probably use a variation on this, a new table w3t_AdminUserNotes:

CREATE TABLE w3t_AdminUserNotes ( <br />   userid  INT(9)    NOT NULL, /* user number of user to whom note pertains */ <br />   ownerid INT(9)    NOT NULL, /* user number of user who added this note */ <br />   added   TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, /* timestamp when note was added */ <br />   note    TEXT      NOT NULL  /* the note */ <br />)

I think having a separate table would be more efficient, since only a fraction of the users would probably have notes.
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