I dont know if its because i am using the trial version of threads, but when i try to make the template changes i get a "page cannot be found" message.
I make the changes the press the "update ubbt_registered.tmpl" button, thats when i get the error. I noticed that in my files i cant find a "doedittemplate.php" file that it seems to be looking for.

Help please

The license for the Trial version prohibits any modifications at all - outside of adjusting any paths.

Crap, i am trying to test the feasability(is that a word?)Of giving up the nuke powered site for the ubb powered one. But, i need to know that it is going to work for me and my abilities, which arent much.
Maybe i could get some feed back on the site i have now
What do you think, can i get a better site than what i have now using threads?
Hey how about some opinions?
[]sweetquads said:
What do you think, can i get a better site than what i have now using threads? [/]

That all depends on you, really.

I have seen some great sites using *nuke/phpbb and other GPL'd software. I have also seen some that left a lot to be desired. The same can be said for any site, no matter what is being used on the back end. If you are looking for proffesional support and services I would go with .threads but if your looking for an inexpensive (free) solution and are able to handle the technical aspects of your site then I'd go with *nuke/phpbb.
Well, where do you think my site falls in those catagories?
Hmmm... ok... well if you really want to know my first impression (read: my opinion only) then here it is:

The site's layout is good but not unlike many other *nuke sites on the web. Going with a two column layout is a refreshing change as apposed to the 3 column holy grail of page layouts. This also makes viewing the site on a lower resolution easier as there is less to cram on the screen. The stylesheet being used is a nice change of pace. I don't see wood grain on a web page that often so you get bonus points for originality there. The colors in use work well together too. Your site has a definative topic focus wich is a good thing. This will ensure that your users are "like minded" and geared towards all things ATV.

Man, when you stressed "My Opinion" i got scared. Your right though any kind of CMS is going to be hard to make look like anything but the CMS. I wish i could take credit for the wood grained theme but it is just an add on for nuke, one of the many themes available.
I also have to say after checking out threads on this board, and posting back and forth with you here, im not sure if i like it. Maybe im just so used to PHPBB or something. Mostly i am looking for a way to use my new Photopost license i bought, and i just dont think its ready to work with nuke yet. Im also not sure if going with the threads/photopost combo will be as novice friendly as the CMS is.
Anyway, thanks for your critique.
Your welcome.

As far as usability goes I think a lot of it has to do with what you use most often. I visit a site using phpbb now and then feel like I'm all thumbs when it comes to navigating and posting. LoL

To each their own.
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