Posted By: Foxtrot_Xray Maintenence? - 08/08/2003 6:56 PM
Hey guys.. Gotta quandary...

Either one of my tables is messed up, or my entire database is..

A week or so ago, I had my _Users table get majorly corrupted, so I had to do a MySQL "REPAIR TABLE" on it. Since around the same time period, some replies and posts have been found missing.

For example: On the main Index page, it will say that a post has 19 replies. Yet when you view it, it only shows 14 (threaded mode.) I just had a user get their "Post Count" past a new-title level, and their title did not automagically change.

Are there scripts that will go thru and fix counts/posts, etc? Any ideas?


[Edit: This may have been brought up before.. I did a search, but I'm not sure what keywords to use, and the ones I chose came up with nothing. So if there are already threads that may help, please lemme know! Thanks!]
Posted By: AKD96 Re: Maintenence? - 08/08/2003 7:12 PM
Yeah. .there are....I'll look for them and get back to you....
Posted By: AKD96 Re: Maintenence? - 08/08/2003 7:14 PM
Posted By: AKD96 Re: Maintenence? - 08/08/2003 7:15 PM
And here is a related one that will fix the last post data...

Posted By: AKD96 Re: Maintenence? - 08/08/2003 7:17 PM
As far as your ranks...did you make sure you set them up after you "tinkered" with your DB?
Posted By: Foxtrot_Xray Re: Maintenence? - 08/08/2003 11:22 PM
As far as your ranks...did you make sure you set them up after you "tinkered" with your DB?

Aw, schweet, thanks for those. Looking at them now..

Actually, I really DID have a DB failure - even lost a user account (possibly why some posts are 'missing'.) However, to answer your question (because I DID tinker with it, a while ago for the user name/title effects..), 'No'. Didn't even occur to me that that woulda been necessary.

Again, thanks!
Posted By: Foxtrot_Xray Re: Maintenence? - 08/08/2003 11:37 PM
Okay, strange. I still get differing counts, after running both scripts. (Only one found a wrong count, not in the board I was expecting.)

If you look at my forums setup (not the best, I know. I'm NOT a designer..!) here, Go to "General", then look for the post "The Webmaster Chuckles Evilly..". In index it shows 19 replies. View the thread, and only 14 are found.

Time to get down and dirty with the database, I'm fraid. Muhaha.


[Edit: Found the issue. Because that one user account got trashed and taken out of the table, none of the "B_PosterId" fields got updated. Since they were pointing to an invalid "U_Number" in the _Users table, they were getting skipped, but being counted in the index page. If anyone is interested (and since I actually haven't oeefered anything back to ThreadsDev yet..) I can make this into a small script to add onto the Admin menu, similar to the two utilities that were offered me earlier..]
Posted By: AKD96 Re: Maintenence? - 08/09/2003 3:48 AM
So everything's groovy now? I suggest you get into the habit of backing up your database every so often.
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