Posted By: VWDerf Upgraded to 6.4, now a strange problem - 12/17/2003 5:39 PM
Last night I upgraded to 6.4 from 6.3. All was fine on the development forum ( http://devforums.tdiclub.com ), but now that things are in production ( http://forums.tdiclub.com ) I am having a very strange problem. Users are unable to select text. While not too bad viewing things, it is a major PITA when editing and composing. Any ideas what could be causing this?


Posted By: AKD96 Re: Upgraded to 6.4, now a strange problem - 12/17/2003 6:25 PM
It sounds like what happens when you combine IE6 and absolute positioning of DIVs, but I didn't see this in your source code or CSS file. Here is some info I came across anyway...

The good news is that you are not alone, it happens quite a bit with MSIE 6 and absolute positioning.

Unfortunatly it isn't a very well documented bug.

A couple of suggestions though, and I'm afraid these are untested theories:

(1) Only position if you have to. If you can place an element with normal flow, float and margins/padding - that's a better option.

(2) Try to avoid having elements partially overlap. Either contain an element entirely inside another, or keep it entirely outside.

(3) Apply borders to elements to find out where they are going. You might find that IE is extending an empty part of an element on top of something else.

I assume you have something along these lines in your document...

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">

You need to get rid of it. It's the only way.
Don't shoot the messenger :-)
Posted By: VWDerf Re: Upgraded to 6.4, now a strange problem - 12/17/2003 6:42 PM
Hmm, the wierd thing is it worked on my dev site, and not on production. I'm pretty sure all the files were moved over correctly.

I tried removing "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">" without any luck

Any other thoughts?
Posted By: AKD96 Re: Upgraded to 6.4, now a strange problem - 12/17/2003 6:51 PM
The only major difference in the code of the two pages is this:

 <br /><BR><STRONG><A href="http://forums.tdiclub.com/showflat.php?Cat=&amp;Number=630851">Details on Tuesday's forum upgrades</STRONG> <br />

Try removing it to see what happens. And as a side note, it should be <BR />
Posted By: VWDerf Re: Upgraded to 6.4, now a strange problem - 12/17/2003 7:04 PM
DOH. Thank you so much DLWebmaestro. I can't believe I forgot to close the tag on the link. That was my whole problem!!!!!
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