Fellow Threadafficianoados,

I am using several forums to list a series of FAQs. These are "read only" to members. I want to be able to control the order of the individual threads. I want to be able to put the more important FAQs at the top and the least important towards the bottom of the list.

I don't see a direct way to control the placement of individual threads within a forum. Am I missing something?

I know when you are viewing the contents of a forum you can sort the thrads alphabetically by clicking on "Subject". Is it possible to force a forum to sort threads alphabetically when it is opened. That way I could put a numerical prefic on the subject line and contol its position... Does this sound like a doable plan?

Thanks in advance for any help on this?
You can link directly to the sorted url.
I'm also after this thing, anyone else done this?
in postlist.php

search for
// Define any necessary variables

insert before:

if($Board == "board_title") $sb = 2;

board_title is the short name of the forum where you want to have this enabled, for intance this forum has the board title php.

To enable it for several forums, you would make it like this:

if($Board == "board_title1" || $Board == "board_title2" || $Board == "board_title3" ) $sb = 2;
thanks anno, i'll give it a whirl
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