On the whos online screen, it shows, users, admins and mods.
Is it possible to change this?
I want all my "Gold Members" to have gold member on the whos online screen rather than "user"
This will take some modifying, a colum would need to be added and then the code to show that specific group would need to be hacked in. One alternative to this would be to change their user title to the group they are in.
is there a mass command for that or is it a manual thing?
The User/Admin/Mod are used internally by the scripts to determine permissions. I don't know if I'd venture to mess with that title - you could end up accidentally allowing regular user admin access or something. You're best to change only their Title - not their user status.
ok. fair enough! dont want that happening!
is there a mass title change sql command?
UPDATE w3t_Users
SET U_Title = 'whatever'

Would set everyone's title to 'whatever'

Or edit the titles from the admin menu - set the post count to 0, whatever title you want, and check the box to update all. That'll update everyone's title as well.
Thanks Josh
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