Posted By: Moo Useless Files? - 01/27/2005 3:21 AM
There are hundreds of files in the main directory with core.18132 etc. All are around 6mb in size, and they're not in the unzipped ubbthreads directory on SG's hard drive. We would like to know what they are, and why they're there. We think they are the data for the posts, but we aren't sure. We thought the database would have kept those in order. Is it safe to delete them, because they are taking up huge amounts of disk space, or are they necessary?
Posted By: JoshPet Re: Useless Files? - 01/27/2005 5:33 AM
They look like error/core dump files from the server. Nothing threads related. All your data is in the MySQL database, you won't be able to access any data via FTP. No threads files (with an exception of config.inc.php etc....) are modified or added within threads.

You should be able to dump them. If they continue to reappear, I'd ask your webhost about them.
Posted By: Moo Re: Useless Files? - 01/27/2005 11:47 AM
Thank you very kindly! We'll give it a try and see what happens.
Posted By: SG_dup1 Re: Useless Files? - 01/27/2005 12:39 PM
Well, it's not often I'm speechless, but I am now. I've just removed these core files, and freed up 1,751.03mb of space!

I think I will contact our webhost about this anyway, as that is a massive amount of useless data.
Posted By: JoshPet Re: Useless Files? - 01/28/2005 1:15 AM
I saw that on the leoville server once, which used to crash alot. I think ever time it did they were created. Not sure though. But I had bo-zoodles of them there too.
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