Is there a fairly simple way to make a new thread viewable only to a certain user group for a predetermined amount of time, then after the allotted time it is made viewable to the public?

Ex: we have a for sale section, and new for sale ads would be viewable *only* to the "paid members" group for 1 week, then after 1 week it would be made *public* and everyone could see the thread/post...
Do you want the new threads not to appear on the postlist at all, or do you want them to appear on the postlist, but once a public member clicks on it, he gets an error message?
Hmmm...I would say *either* would work?
ok, the first option first:
in postlist.php

search for:
$limit = "LIMIT $Totalgrab";

Add underneath:
if (strpos($user[U_Groups], "-111-") === false && $Board == "boardkeyword" ){
$timeframe = time() - 7 * 86400;
$timeframe = " AND t1.B_Posted < $timeframe ";

search for:
AND t1.B_Sticky = '0'

Add underneath:

That's it. Replace 111 with the number of your subscriber group, and boardkeyword with the keyword of the board where you want to enable this.

(untested, might not work, but it should)
Thanks, Anno...if/when I get some free time, I'm gonna give it a shot...
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