I don't have access to the mysql database. Can I back up a large messageboard through the SQL window in the Admin control panel?

Urm, I don't think you would, but hey it wouldn't be the first time i was wrong...

The box itself is just for sql queries, I don't believe there is one to just dump table data...

Its odd that you don't have access to mysql yet you use it for the forum; do you have any ssh access to the machine to make an sql dump using the user/pass for your database?
Try this (you may need at least mysql 4.x):


SELECT * FROM table_name INTO OUTFILE 'D:/Temp/table_name.dump';

Repeat the process for all table names. And if you want to reload:


LOAD DATA INFILE 'D:/Temp/table_name.dump' INTO TABLE table_name

Replace "D:/Temp/" with the directory you want to export. It must have write permission of course...
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