Posted By: Gismo der erste Activitypoints - 11/04/2009 1:32 PM

I search for a addon. Users becomes activitypoints, for posts, threads, ...
Is this possible?
I use UBBT 7.5.3.

Sorry for my bad englisch, in German:

Ich suche ein Addon, mit dem User Aktivitätspunkte erhalten. Z.B für das schreiben von Beiträgen, Threads, usw.
Ist das möglich bzw. gibt es sowas bereits? Und wenn ja wo?
Ich benutze UBBT 7.5.3
Posted By: Gizmo Re: Activitypoints - 11/04/2009 7:12 PM
I think the last created mod for this would be Brett's UBB Points Mod for UBB.Classic; I don't think anything like this has really been created for threads yet
Posted By: Gismo der erste Re: Activitypoints - 11/04/2009 8:47 PM
Do you know how to create it?
Posted By: Gizmo Re: Activitypoints - 11/04/2009 10:26 PM
Not really offhand at the moment (been ill, doctors, surgeries, all that fun stuff).

Basically you'd have a new field in the member data db for the points, then you'd have it so you can adjust it in their profile as an admin, then you'd grab that data when building posts and format it however you want in the post template.

With any luck someone will be able to help you by the time I'm able to be of any real good to anyone tipsy
Posted By: sirdude Re: Activitypoints - 11/07/2009 12:02 AM
a karma mod would be what i'd call it..
Posted By: Gizmo Re: Activitypoints - 11/07/2009 2:06 AM
Well, when we used it in classic it was for admin's granting "prizes" at a certain amount of points; a kharma mod generally is addition/subtraction based on user voting on the user (generally)
Posted By: Carte Blanche Re: Activitypoints - 11/20/2009 2:48 AM
Karma could also be done just by adding points based on frequency of logins over a period of time, point deduction for absences, points added for posts (tougher to manage due to the tendency then for folks to do the one word or liner drive bys) and point deductions for not posting over period of time....or things like that.

That way it's a different measure than just pure popularity contest or "ganging" up on someone.
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