Posted By: Matt Jacob UBBDev U-Zine | June 2001 - 06/27/2001 5:52 AM
That's right, folks, the official UBBDev U-Zine (you-zeen) is finally here and ready for you to browse! I don't want to give away too much without you seeing it first, but I will say that it contains some much-anticipated information! For one, we have the Member Spotlight winners, and the interviews that go along with them.

We also landed a UBBDev-exclusive interview with the creator/owner of the award-winning Tek-Tips Forums. That interview is definitely a must-read for anyone who is or is considering being a webmaster. Well, that's enough of my chatter for now, though, so go check out what you've been missing at https://ubbdev.com/uzine/ !
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