Posted By: Jamin Custom graphics/colors in Style Templates? - 05/09/2002 8:44 PM
It seems like Charles or Dave said something about being able to add custom graphics or colors to the Style Templates in 6.3, but never said how. Did I just misunderstand something? Or is this true? And has anyone figured out how to do it? And for the love of everything sacred and holy, WHERE ARE MY PANTS???? laugh

Could it be the new "HTML Templates" that you can choose from within each forum and category? ((shrug))

How do these things work anyway? confused
Posted By: Jamin Re: Custom graphics/colors in Style Templates? - 05/10/2002 8:47 AM
Nope, it's not that. Or at least, I don't think he was talking about that...

The way those work, is you make a new folder inside your normal Templates folder and put public_common and any other template files you want in there. Then go to the cpanel section for it, and UBB automatically finds it and allows you to select the new template set. Basically makes it really easy to have several different HTML page layouts running on the same forum. smile

Posted By: LK Re: Custom graphics/colors in Style Templates? - 05/10/2002 11:02 AM
IIRC, when you import a JC style, you have new icons - profile, register, search, faq, etc
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