Hellow, I have been working steadly for over a month now getting my new board ready for my members.

In designing graphics, using backgrounds, and header combinations, so that the backgrounds are not just plan and blend in with the headers, I have run into a serious problem, I can't seem to get rid of.

The problem is that I have troubble lining the background up with the header's image which is in the defult theme "link to your domain/noncgi directory." I have made new headers for my new board, so I have edited each individual theme with the link to the new image files stored in my non-cgi directory.

Well, I have had enough of trying to intergerate the header image with the background image so they look like one image. I had to do this, as at first due to the fact that the defult theme html files in the cgi-bin directory have a link to a header image and not just that; more specific the html code would be yourdomainlink.com/linkbacktoyourboardhomepage"img src="../ubb/bbtitle.gif"

After studying the idea of simply removing the link and html code that is for the board header title that appears in each forum, I have come to the conclusion that if I do then my forum talbes and other content talbes such as "who's onlne" table ..ect.. will be pushed up. I know this already. Because, I went into the styles in cpanel and deleted the link to the bbtitle.gif and found that it had pushed my tables up closer to the top. This is why I went with the plan to create both header and background image combination and try to line them up. They line up only part of the time in my site menu frame.

Thus my new board is tested already via my desktop copy of my index.htm file to see if the link opens up in my fram properly. It does as the link is taget="main"

I am unable to function this new boards images background with the headers not lining up right. I have tried several different crops. Some look fine now. But only inside of my frame. If you open the board up direct link browser the image for the header comes out of allignment.

After experiment after experiment, here is what I have come here for help with. I beleive the only soultion is for me to remove the html for the link to the bbtitle.gif and the link within code html link back to the board front main page summary out of the html file(s) so that its not there. More, I also have discovered that I will need to move my forum, and content tables down about a good 400 pixels or more. Again, this is because if the link is removed for the image it self it pulls my forums, and content tables upto far to the top to suit me. Specifically, it will bump the tables upto to the top reletive about 115 pixels from the actual top of the page. That is not acceptable. It will hide the picture image of the background behind the actual forum tables.

So, finally what is my question, at last right? Well, how do I do this? In order for me to play in the html defult files for my board, I need to know which ones to play with in order to move the tables down about 400 more pixels releitive so that I can just use the backgrund as my image and not use header and bg images in combination attempting to make them look one.

Is my anwer simply to edit the public_common.pl file and it takes care of it for all forums, or am I stuck with the task of editing all 30 of my forums? Ahohoo, I hope not! Also, I need to know what codes I am looking for as I do not know much about html. Can anyone here please help me out with this?

One last thing. I have noticed that some sites that use UBB Classic have different themese. The UBB Support site is the only one besides mine that I have found that uses the defult vars theme. Is there one most simular in design wise that I can get that does not have that stupid link and board header link to bbtitle.gif and has its content and forum talbes lower down instead so I can create an image that looks like a header but is in the background? This is after all now with my new board becoming a devolopment issue as my intent is to build a new board for my members that is top of the line. Its already looking awsome! Now, checking out my site you wont find the link to the UBB on my site. We're still using the a different board. We desperately are annoyed at how slow it is. However, it is better than Phpbb... Opps did I say that? I had one of those before proboards which is also cgi and quite simular to Infopop. Infopop of course being far more superior lol.. But, I had a php one and hated it. I would like to get my new UBB Board fully ready for my members as soon as possible. I just cant do it until its perfect! I need some help...PM me, email me something. Sorry my current board that is just temp does not have a guest forum..
Mmmm. This might not be the right solution for you, but it might put you on the right track.

Check out my own forums - http://flare.solareclipse.net/

Note how there's a big logo in the upper left, but BBTitle isn't there. Well, BBTitle doesn't SEEM to be there - in order to push the board down enough, I actually made BBTitle a large transparent gif.

The logo in the upper left is positioned there using CSS, and floated above the rest of the contents. (In the old school methods, this would have been done using a set of tables and perfectly sliced images in the cells.)

This works perfectly for me, as I know that my upper left side of the board will always be perfectly positioned. That MIGHT not be the case for you... and as you seem to want to get rid of the logo entirely.

If you want to just push down the contents of the entire board, for all pages, that's pretty easy.

Edit public_common, search for "standard_title_table" - there will be two instances, both being variables that hold the entire upper table. The first one is for all pages, the second is for search pages (the search pages have their own logo for some reason lost to time). Just stick some sort of spacer there - something like:

<div style="height: 100px;"> </div>
... where 100px is how many pixels you wish to shift things.

Do note that pushing the board contents down too far can make it hard for users on lower resolutions (~20% still use 800x600!) to navigate the board easily.
I actually have a frame for my site, Charles. The link to my actual UBB I sent you just remove the root path to the board cgi-bin/ultimatebb and go to my homepage and see what kind of frame I have. The pages open in the frame via taget =main.

Btw, I like your board. I also assume that you meant public_common.pl ??
Originally posted by Charles Capps:

Mmmm. This might not be the right solution for you, but it might put you on the right track.

Check out my own forums - http://flare.solareclipse.net/

Note how there's a big logo in the upper left, but BBTitle isn't there. Well, BBTitle doesn't SEEM to be there - in order to push the board down enough, I actually made BBTitle a large transparent gif.

The logo in the upper left is positioned there using CSS, and floated above the rest of the contents. (In the old school methods, this would have been done using a set of tables and perfectly sliced images in the cells.)

This works perfectly for me, as I know that my upper left side of the board will always be perfectly positioned. That MIGHT not be the case for you... and as you seem to want to get rid of the logo entirely.

If you want to just push down the contents of the entire board, for all pages, that's pretty easy.

Edit public_common, search for "standard_title_table" - there will be two instances, both being variables that hold the entire upper table. The first one is for all pages, the second is for search pages (the search pages have their own logo for some reason lost to time). Just stick some sort of spacer there - something like:

<div style="height: 100px;"> </div>
... where 100px is how many pixels you wish to shift things.

Do note that pushing the board contents down too far can make it hard for users on lower resolutions (~20% still use 800x600!) to navigate the board easily.
Ok I have found both instances you are talking about for the tables. Now, in the public_common.pl file, where do I put this code in those two areas?

---- the code----

I am not sure how to edit html correctly, unless I know exactally where to put this code to chage the height.
I have tried to edit the public_common.pl file and having troubble as to where to put the html code:

I found the two instances of "standard_title_tables for both the all pages and then the search and profile pages. I do want to try moving the content tables down entirely on all forums so as to using just backgrounds as images so that I can just remove the html code for the header link back to board homepage that is by defult in img src= bbtitle.gif This is very hard for me not knowing much about how to edit html.
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