does anyone have that? I am going to make a Matrix Skin.

Please help me, I need this bad tipsy

Ermm, you mean the random green text they have at the beginning? I could probably take a screenshot direct from the DVD, although you'd only be able to use that as a guide to designing your own image.. Plus, you didn't say what size you wanted? Is this for a background, or a title graphic, or what?
smile yes! gimme a screenshot of that screen!! resolution: max 1024x786! thx!
Sorry but screenshots of dvd's don't come that large. Especially not when the original is widescreen..
Hey guys - Here is a screenshot of my screensaver:


- have at it!
If you go to www.chaossoft.com you can download their Matrix Code Emulator screensaver. It is hands-down the best matrix ss I've seen yet, and I've seen quite a few of them (including a really nifty one that involved Direct3D acceleration). Just set it's options to be in your required resolution, and then hit PrintScreen to copy a screenshot.

were you looking over my sholder? wink

I just installed the ss version that Skorpion suggested. It is by far the best I've seen. Better then the one I use to use. Thanks Skorp!
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