Original Author: BadNBusy (PageTop)

Ported to 6.4 by Gizzy (Gizmo@undergroundnews.com).

Description: This modification will add a "Page Top" and "Page Bottom" button to your users posts. Code is included for either or both of the buttons.

Requirements: Valid license, UBBâ„¢ 6.4.0.

Download: Zip

Demo: UGN Security
The "down" does not work as both buttons bring me back to the top.
It should work perfectly as the page bottom button just uses the "Jump To New Posts" code to bring you to the latest post...
I had the same problem. the "down" button doesn't seem to do anything.

- MT
why not use javascript:scrollTo(9999,9999); for page bottom, and javascript:scrollTo(0,0); for the page top
Will this work in NS?

- MT
I would assume so, as long as NS supports javascript
Originally posted by Weird Al:
I would assume so, as long as NS supports javascript
So if this is the original line of code:

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="96%"><hr size="1" color="$vars_style{hr_color}"></td><td width="4%"><a href="$ULTIMATEBB?ubb=get_topic&f=$forum_number&t=$topic_number#LATEST"><img src="$vars_config{NonCGIURL}/icon_go_down.gif" border="0" alt="Down To Bottom"></A><a href="$ULTIMATEBB?ubb=get_topic&f=$forum_number&t=$topic_number#"><img src="$vars_config{NonCGIURL}/icon_go_up.gif" border="0" alt="Back to Top"></A></td></tr></table>
Then the new line would look something like this:

<table width="100%"><tr><td width="96%"><hr size="1" color="$vars_style{hr_color}"></td><td width="4%"><a href="#" onClick="javascript:scrollTo(9999,9999);"><img src="$vars_config{NonCGIURL}/icon_go_down.gif" border="0" alt="Down To Bottom"></A><a href="#" onClick="javascript:scrollTo(0,0);"><img src="$vars_config{NonCGIURL}/icon_go_up.gif" border="0" alt="Back to Top"></A></td></tr></table>
Does that seem about right?

- MT
All the oringinal did was use "hop to new posts" (the blue arrow)'s link code to jump down smirk...
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