Posted By: The Team Need More Info. - 11/07/1999 4:51 AM
hi there I’m new here to this program and from what I see I think it really great []/w3timages/icons/cool.gif[/], but can some one please explain to me this Feature:

Group privileges for users and boards:
Assign read and write privileges to your forum for certain groups. Users can belong to multiple groups. This allows for a highly flexible system for setting up who can access what forums.

what I would like to do in my forum is set up some forums or group to write in and other registers user or guest can read only... and other forum for me to write the topic and other users can replay only !!
also can I have forum that will not users post in it unless the moderator approves it.

can I do this?

Thank You
Posted By: Rick Re: Need More Info. - 11/07/1999 5:51 PM
The only thing that can't be done is for reply only. You can set it so only certain groups can read certain forums, or certain groups can write to certain forums. You can also mark any board as fully moderated so every post must be approved before viewable by the public.

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