Posted By: Dslam is not avalid host. error - 03/18/2002 8:57 PM
We cannot proceed.

We encountered a problem. The reason reported was:

The host you are trying to send the input from is not a valid host.

has anyone run in to this ? & how do I fix it ?
Posted By: JoshPet Re: is not avalid host. error - 03/18/2002 11:00 PM
First cause can be not having the domain name that the threads is running under listed properly in your config file.

Make sure you list it with and without the WWW. It should be like this.


If that's OK, then it could be security settings in your browser, or the result of viewing cashed pages.
Check your security settings against: infopopfaq.infopop.net/0/OpenTopic?q=Y&a=tpc&s=10009141&f=03009209&m=6980943942

If all that fails..... (I had one user that I couldn't solve this problem for) JustDave here gave me a "hack" which worked around it. Here it is:

In your addpost.php script:
At around line 56 find this:

// ------------------
// Check the referer
$html -> check_refer($Cat);

and change it to this:

// ------------------
// Check the referer
if (!$user['U_Username']) {
$html -> check_refer($Cat);

I hope this helps. It's not an official fix but just a work around I think will help you. []/forum/images/icons/smile.gif[/]

And it did. So hope that helps!
Posted By: Dslam Re: is not avalid host. error - 03/19/2002 1:59 AM
thanks I'll try that :-)
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