Posted By: MTO weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 5:32 PM
Just to show, I´ll show you what happened when I was replying to another post, pasting the message here (the message itself is not important in this thread):
What do you think about CruceDeCaminos.com
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 5:38 PM
It gets cut off after a [ url= ] markup that doesnt close. (Not markup problem, I did it right, its the conversion).
The rest of the message after it does not display. There should even be an image like this one in it []/w3timages/icons/wink.gif[/].
Posted By: Rick Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 5:39 PM
Can you post your entire message so I can do some tests? Just put a space around the markup tags like [ url= or [ crazy ]. That way I can see exactly what was typed and do some tests.
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 5:48 PM
Its one I did elsewhere and had to go into the perl version to post it:
What do you think about [ url=http://www.wwwthreads.com/php/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=feedback&Number=25704&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5 ]this suggestion[ /url ]? It has to do with your problem... [ guiñar ]
Posted By: Rick Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 5:54 PM
Hmm, so far no problems. I even tried changing my language to spanish and adding a sig with a link in it so it would be like yours. What browser and version are you using so I can try testing with that?

WWWThreads developer
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 6:17 PM
IE 5.0
It doesnt seem to me like a language thing because it happens with the [ url ] markup code, or at least, it seems to start there.
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 6:45 PM
More simple urls without "?", "&" "=" dont work either. Not even to a domain such as http://www.wwwthreads.com.

See what happens (it will actually only close once it gets to the end of my signature -mouse over it): CruceDeCaminos.com
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 6:51 PM
Now posting from the perl version:
Could it be the following in main.inc.php?:
       $Body = preg_replace("/\[url=(.*)\]([^\[]*)\[[:red]\/url\]/","<a href="http://\\1" target="_new">\\2</a>",$Body);

Mateo Byler

Posted By: Rick Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 7:10 PM
That didn't do too much better. I'm using IE5 as well and can't quite track this down. I've tried all sorts of url combinations and they all come through fine. Still working on it though.

WWWThreads Developer
Posted By: Rick Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 7:13 PM
Ok, just made a few changes. Can you give it a try now?

WWWThreads Developer
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 11/28/2000 7:28 PM
Giving it a try: WWWThreads.
Does it work?
It does! []/w3timages/icons/smile.gif[/].
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 12/20/2000 2:16 AM
Well, looks like we are back again to the same problem. []/w3timages/icons/frown.gif[/]
It works fine in the preview, but once it is posted it is corrupt.
See here:
This is now inside the pre tags

Outside pre tags. Now it will ruin my signature even though the tag is closed.

Mateo Byler
Posted By: MTO Re: weird markup behavior: - 01/08/2001 3:27 AM
Still have the same problems... everytime I post a message using the [ pre ] tags I get my signature ruined.
This   line        is                 pre

This one is not.

It seems fixed in the preview screen, but not once it is posted.

Mateo Byler
Posted By: Rick Re: weird markup behavior: - 01/08/2001 3:36 PM
Still having some problems with the markup section. Every time I think I have it fixed something else messes up. I'll get it right eventually[]/w3timages/icons/wink.gif[/].

WWWThreads Developer
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