I don't believe I have any hacks in this copy of viewpoll so I think this is something that's there already. I created a poll with no votes recorded and when I went to view the results I got this error:

Warning: Division by zero in /home/public_html/test/viewpoll.php on line 75

I'm sure it's a simple fix. []https://www.ubbdev.com/threads/php/images/icons/smile.gif[/]
heh, had a simular error in my pollpal script... I fixed that then fixed the one in viewpoll.php...

Change this line:

$per = ($thisone/$division);

To this one:

if ($division <> 0) {
$per = ($thisone/$division);
else {
$per = 0;

That should do it []https://www.ubbdev.com/threads/php/images/icons/smile.gif[/]
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