
OK I got a report that some post are missing and I lookn on the site and they are... I look in the DB itself and they are there but not showing up... Can you please help me?? I will give you access tot he site if needed but this really needs to get fixed...

Billy S.
Found the problem... The way you have the table setup and calling data is really messed up... Why do you have both the User Name and User Number saved in the table for post? Some how this person's usernumber became differant some how and all the post using the old usernumber no longer showed up... Why don't you get rid of some of those extra fields in the post table and just use either the name or the number and stop duplicating data?
Basically at this point I wasn't able to do a full switch from Username to User Number. As long as this beta has been, doing that as well would have probably doubled it

It's in the long-term plan but needed to make sure we were going in the right direction before abandoning the username in the posts table altogether.
"long-term plan"

Does that mean before 6.0 is released?
I think that mean's after 6.0 as this will require even more time.
I hope it doesn't mean after 6.0

I think that's related to the login-name/public-name issue, and that's probably the most significant issue (for me) in converting from UBB.classic.
Yes, it does mean after 6.0. Like I said, it's going to require alot more restructing to do so and I think everyone's been pretty patient waiting this long for the 6.0 stable release. Trying to do this before 6.0 is out would basically mean starting over on the betas
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